BOKUonline - First Steps for Members of Staff

Brief Description
What is BOKUonline?
BOKUonline is BOKU's campus management system that enables you to carry out a variety of the administrative tasks necessary at university.
It is a version of the software "CAMPUSonline" developed by the TU Graz which is used in about 40 universities in Austria and Germany.
Core Tasks of BOKUonline for Staff Members
- Account Access
- Administration of studies & curricula
- Administration of university courses (content, registration / deregistration, administration of participants, ...)
- Exam and graduation administration
- Student management (pre-registration, admission and acceptance, tuition fee administration, ...)
- Administration of events, dates and rooms
- Data exchange with receiving systems (BRZ, moodle, edirectory, ...)
- E-mail administration
- User and policy management