Login options in Windows - Windows Hello

Windows Hello is a more personal and secure way to log in to your personal Windows device using a PIN, fingerprint or facial recognition. These options make logging in to your PC easier and more secure. 

A PIN is set up in any case, the fingerprint or facial recognition login options can be added optionally.

The PIN, fingerprint and facial recognition set up on one device are NOT transferred to other devices or synchronized between devices.
You must therefore set up Windows Hello separately on all your personal work devices.
In principle, you can set up different PINs, but of course you can also use the same one everywhere.

You can easily access the login options by searching for "Sign-in options"

or via: 'Windows ⊞' → 'Settings ⚙' → 'Accounts' → 'Sign-in options'.

  • Depending on the hardware equipment of your device, various login options are available.
  • "Log in with PIN" is always available, this option is always set up.
  • Fingerprint scanners are usually only available on notebooks, rarely on stand-alone PCs.
    It is absolutely no problem if you do not have a fingerprint scanner. In this case, simply use Hello PIN.
  • Face recognition is only available on devices with a compatible camera.
  • A Microsoft account is NOT required!
  • Do NOT set up your smartphone as a passkey at this point!

Add Windows Hello PIN

In any case, set up a login with PIN.

To do this, click on: 'Windows Hello PIN', then 'Set up'.

Please remember this PIN for logging in to your work device.

If you forget the PIN, this is not a problem, you can continue to log in with your Windows password (and then assign a new PIN).

If the PIN cannot be set up or changed or if you are prompted to sign in with a Microsoft account, please cancel this and follow these steps: PIN cannot be set up / disconnect Office 365 account

Add Windows Hello Fingerprint

If your device has a fingerprint sensor, you can also set up fingerprint login if you wish.

To do this, click on: 'Windows Hello Fingerprint', then 'Set up'.

You can also set up fingerprint recognition for multiple fingers.

(It's absolutely no problem if you don't have a fingerprint scanner, just use Hello PIN to sign in).

Log in to your personal computer using Windows Hello

If you have set up one or more sign-in options, you can now simplify signing in to your personal computer by using a PIN, fingerprint or facial recognition instead of the Windows password.

You can still log in using the Windows password (you will also need this if you want to log in to your work device via Remote Desktop (RDP)).

How does Windows Hello interact with MFA?

After setting up Windows Hello, you can set up your personal work computers as security tokens.

After you have logged in to Windows using your Windows Hello PIN or fingerprint (or another Windows Hello login option), you can also log in to the OES client.

To connect to the OES network drive, your device must either be connected to BOKU via a LAN cable or have a VPN connection.

To do this, right-click on the 'Client for Open Enterprise Server' icon in the taskbar at the bottom right.
Then select the top menu item 'OES login'.
Enter your usual BOKU credentials.