To facilitate your start, on this page you can find the most important information on your specific role at BOKU. 

This holds true for:

  • Instructors
  • Secretaries
  • IT Managers


As soon as you have been added as a lecturer in a course, you receive the role "Instructor" in BOKUonline. 

This automatically grants two implicit rights for your own courses:

  • Examination Administration
  • Course Administration

Examination Administration

You can create and edit exams (for which you yourself are the examiner) and administer the participants. You do not need a PIN code for examination administration (contrary to your colleagues who posses organizational rights for examination administration).

Access: In your BOKU business card in the column "Teaching and Research" click on the application "Prüfungsmanagement" ("Examination Management").

A detailed documentation on examination management can be found here (information only in German).

Course Administration

You can also individually administer the description of your course as well as dates, participants and registration and de-registration deadlines.

Access: In your BOKU business card in the column "Teaching and Research" click on the application "Courses".

Clicking on "S" or "W" respectively in the column "Zeit / Ort" ("Time / Place") leads you to Calendar Management. Click on the title in order to edit the course description. Here you can also find the link "TeilnehmerInnen" ("Participants" in the right top corner. This leads you to the Group and Participants Administration.

A detailed documentation on course management can be found here.


"Secretary" is a registered legal function in accordance with the Personnel Department and automatically comes with the following rights:

  • Editing contact information of the organizational unit
  • Display of the Student Index
  • Editing business cards of persons at the organizational unit

As it is needed in most cases, the following rights are also recommended:

  • Course administration (= administration of all courses of the organizational unit)
  • Examination administration (= administration of all exams of the organizational unit)

These rights are authorized by the respective IT manager in a decentralized way.

In many cases also the right for room management is needed. It is authorized for each room. In order to apply for the rooms, please send an email to the IT manager via the ZID hotline stating the desired rooms. 

IT Managers

IT Managers are nominated by the institute management and registered by the ZID. They represent the institute management in technical matters. 

Due to the relatively broad area of responsibility - Account administration, Software licensing, etc., every new IT Manager receives a training by ZID staff. If you should need training related to a specific topic, please get in touch with the ZID hotline.

An overview on the areas of responsibility of an IT Manager can be found here (information only in German).