Step 4: Registration for Exams
In order to successfully complete a course, it is required to receive an exam result in BOKUonline.
The regular procedure is as follows:
- The institute provides a new exam date.
- Students independently register for this date.
- The exam is held, graded and transmitted to the Study Department (Studienabteilung).
- The Study Department (Studienabteilung) indicates the exam as valid. From this point onwards the result is visible for students.
Ad 1. Creating an Exam
When a new exam is created normally all students registered for the course in the current content semester will receive an information email. This is also the case for those who bookmarked the course.
Explanation on what is meant by content semester:
Every exam is attributed to a specific content semester since contents of courses may vary depending on the semester.
When you are registered for a course in the winter semester 2020 (20W), you should only register for an exam of that content semester! Especially at the beginning of a semester, you might find exam dates that are still meant for previous semesters.
The picture shows the content semester of the respective exam in the overview at registration.
Ad 2. Self Registration by Students
Ideally you have already registered for the course and received an email notifying you that a new exam date has been created.
Log onto BOKUonline and click on the link 'My Courses'. You will see all courses for which you are registered. If an examination date is stored, a note appears on the right side.

If everything is correct and you would like to register for this date, please select the study plan context and confirm by clicking on "Register".
Attention: If you are registered in more than one study program, please make sure that the correct one is selected. The study cannot be changed afterwards.
In the following confirmation window you can see whether or not the exam registration was completed successfully. Pay attention to information provided at the lower end. Only when you can see the message: "Sie konnten zum obigen Prüfungstermin erfolgreich angemeldet werden." ("You have successfully registered for the above stated exam date") your registration was truely successful.
In the event of an error, you will see corresponding information here as to why the login could not be completed.
Ad 3. Examining, Evaluating and Transmitting
With a fixed place in a course, you are also authorized to sit an exam.
If you should decide not to sit an exam, it is essential that you de-register in due time! Otherwise you risk being banned from future exam registration for this course of up to 90 days and also hinder another student from sitting the exam instead of you.
Once the exam was completed, it may take up to four weeks (depending on the number of participants) until evaluation is completed, grades are registered and transmitted to the Study Department (Studienabteilung).
Ad 4. Viewing Exam Results in BOKUonline
As soon as the results have been set to valid by the Study Department (Studienabteilung), you automatically receive an information email.
From this moment onwards, you can view your exam result in BOKUonline under the link 'My Achievements'.