BOKUonline in a new design

BOKUonline 3.0 for employees
The CAMPUSonline campus management system with a modernised interface
BOKUonline 3.0 - what's new?
The design of BOKUonline has now also been made more modern and up-to-date for employees.
First and foremost, the homepage has changed visually, but the range of functions has remained the same.
The highlights:
- Mobile-friendly, future-proof design
- Greater clarity thanks to quick application search
- Merging of personal and organisation business cards
- Streamlining of the application accesses
- Technology change in the background
Changes in detail
Back to the start
No matter where you are in BOKUonline, a click on the home button at the top left will take you back to the start page.
Application filter
If you cannot find the application you are looking for, you can filter the list displayed by entering a search term.
Search options
The search for persons, organisations and rooms can be found at the top right next to the magnifying glass icon.
Enter the desired term and select the desired entry from the search results list.
Frequently used applications can be added to the favourites with a click, so that they appear right at the top of the page. However, they do not disappear from the complete application list.
It is also possible to group favourites in folders. To do this, a folder is first created and then applications can be moved to this folder. Of course, applications can also be removed again or moved to another folder.
The Org Chooser - no more changing the organisation page
Organisation context is required for some applications. Previously, it was therefore necessary to navigate to the relevant organisation page in order to call up the application there.
With the new Org Chooser concept, you simply click on the application and then select the required organisation.
The organisations available for selection depend on the respective authorisations. For example, under ‘Course Administration’, people only see the organisations to which they are authorised. Under ‘Courses’ you can choose from all BOKU organisations to find out about the courses on offer.

The ‘preferred organisation’ is often listed at the top of the list. This is normally the organisation to which you have the employment contract and which is also used to display the postal address on the business card.
If you have assignments at several organisational units, you can change the preferred organisation by clicking on your own name at the top right, ‘Settings’ and ‘Select preferred organisation’.
The action block
Previously, possible actions in an application action were displayed in a block at the top right.
These actions can now be found at the top of the page and remain visible there even when scrolling.
Where is my business card?
The personal business card continues to exist and can be viewed by other people.
To view/edit it yourself: Click on your own name in the top right-hand corner and then ‘Business card’. To edit it, click on ‘Action’ - ‘Edit’.
Is there something missing?
In principle, all previous applications should still be available.
Some links to external applications (TimeTac, BOKUnavi, BOKUflow, Home office days, ...) can now be found under BOKUportal in order to keep the desktop as clear as possible.
If you are still missing something (mistakes happen ...), please let us know at - thank you very much!