The Horiba XploRATM INV Raman is a fully motorized confocal microscope that allows fast non-destructive chemical micro-analysis and automated high definition Raman chemical imaging. The instrument comprises a microscope and a spectrometer built together; this combination enables the acquisition of a complete Raman spectrum at each and every pixel of the image, and then it generates a false colour image based on material composition, phase, crystallinity and strain.
In standard operation this microscope – as any other conventional light microscope -, is diffraction limited, with achievable spatial resolution in the order of 250-300 nm (depending on laser wavelength and objective in use). Features smaller than this can still be detected but without true spatial information.
Standard point-by-point mapping affords the ultimate sensitivity for materials with extremely low Raman scattering properties, and allows high resolution, large spectral range capability but total measurement times can be significant.