Fascination of Plants Day 2019
The 5th International "Fascination of Plants Day" of the European Organization for Plant Science (EPSO) will take place on 18 May. Coordinated by BOKU Professor Margit Laimer, numerous events are taking place throughout Austria under the patronage of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.
The aim of the action day is to convey the fascination of plant life to people around the world and to point out their central importance for virtually all areas of life: for agriculture, the sustainable production of food, for horticulture, forestry, as a raw material for products such as paper, timber, chemicals and as a medicine and for the provision of energy. At the same time, plants are also indispensable for climate and nature conservation.
The events show interesting facts from plant research - from the possibilities for the varied use of plants as a food or remedy to aesthetic demands in works of art. "We want to convey the fascination of the plant world to visitors and highlight their central importance for practically all areas of life - by being able to view and experience the exhibits themselves at the various locations," says coordinator Margit Laimer from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.
Some of the numerous events will take place on 17 May - the attached event program will provide you with detailed information; more about the Fascination of Plants Day 2019 also offers the website https://plantday18may.org/category/europe/austria/.