Houska Prize 2025

Houska Prize 2025

With the Houska Prize in the category "University Research", the B&C Private Foundation honours outstanding research projects that combine exceptional research performance and economic relevance in the implementation of research results.

The Houska Prize 2025 in the category "University Research" has 5 nominees and is endowed with a total of € 250,000.


1st prize
2nd prize
3rd prize
2 nominees each
€ 150.000,-
€  60.000,-
€  20.000,-
€  10.000,-



  • Submission by project manager following internal coordination with rectorate
  • Cross-university/institutional submission possible (please specify only one person as project leader)
  • Description of the research project including an explanation of the methodological research approach
  • Presentation of innovative content/potential
  • Specification of the existing/planned business partner/spin-off with business location Austria for the realisation of the project and description of the planned economic implementation
  • Description of the contribution to Austria as a business location
  • Presentation of key project milestones if project not submitted for the first time
  • Exclusion of up to two named assessors (for competition-related reasons) is permitted (brief explanation required)

Submission can only be made in one category - no double submissions!

Please contact the Team Techtransfer (until 16 October at the latest) for an initial consultation and clarification of any questions regarding patent law, as well as coordination with the Rectorate.

Submission deadline: 01 September to 31 October 2024

Awarding of the Houskaprize 2025: 09 April 2025.


BOKU Research Service/Technology Transfer, techtransfer@boku.ac.at