Each student has to make an individual course plan.
This excel document helps you to keep track of the courses you have already done and you still have to do at the home and at the host university. You will need it for your graduation. Please be aware that you really have to stick to the curriculum!

Deadlines for submission:

  • BOKU Host: November 30 (of your 1st semester at BOKU)
  • BOKU Home: June 20 (of the semester BEFORE your exchange to the host university)
    Please note: In case you have been admitted at BOKU with respective conditions up to 30 ECTS_Credits in addition to your regular study programme, you will have to successfully accomplish these additional courses within the first 2 semesters of your studies and BEFORE your exchange to your EUR-Organic Host University. The completion of these additional courses will be checked, when you submit your ICP.  Please inform yourself about the maximum study period at the partner universities on time!

Templates for 2024/25:

As soon as the final version is signed, please also submit it to the partner university - together with your transcript of records.

You will need your ICP for your graduation!

BOKU = Host University:
Please have your Individual Course Plan and your Transcript of Records from the partner university checked a semester before your graduation, first at ZIB (administrative coordinator) and then at the study services. Please be aware that you will need the original document for the graduation!

Before you have your documents checked, you have to enter all courses done at the partner university (not BOKU) in your BOKUonline account (one data sheet per course) (info-guide accreditation/recognition).

BOKU = Home University:
Please have the final version of your BOKU ICP (with all signatures) and your transcript of records from BOKU checked at the host university at latest 3 months before you submit the master thesis there.
For your graduation at BOKU you will also need a copy of the ICP.

What to do

  1. Delete all blocks and courses that you do not take and add the courses of other thematic foci or profiles, where applicable.
    BOKU Home/1st year only: Please also add the conditions listed in your BOKU admission letter. Please note: In case you have been admitted at BOKU with respective conditions up to 30 ECTS-Credits in addition to your regular study programme, you will have to successfully accomplish these additional courses at BOKU BEFORE your exchange to your EUR-Organic Host University. The completion of these additional courses will be checked, when you submit your ICP.
  2. Fill in the general information fields.
  3. Delete all information on how to fill in the form written in red.
  4. Print the document and sign it.
  5. Send the draft version (1x excel-sheet + 1x signed pdf) to the administrative coordinator at BOKU-International Relations.
    BOKU Home/1st year only: Please also send a scanned copy of your BOKU admission letter and your transcript of records from BOKU.
    BOKU Host/2nd year only: Please also send a scanned copy of your transcript of records from your home university.
    After the administrative coordinator has checked your ICP, she will forward it to the programme coordinator Prof. Christian Vogl.
  6. The programme coordinator will send the signed version with all signatures back to you

You do not have to come to the consulting hours of the administrative coordinator. However, you are still very welcome to do so, if you have specific questions!