General information
Worldwide exchange with the university of your choice
Students who organise their study place at the host university by themselves can apply for a Joint Study Freemover scholarship. The Joint Study Freemover scholarship is for one semester at a non-European university without a bilateral agreement with BOKU and for universities in Russia and the United Kingdom.
Get in touch with other students in the BOKU Exchange ALUMNI Facebook group.
The Awarding of the Scholarship:
The study abroad advisory committee, composed of one professor from each field of study and the executive head of BOKU-International Relations carries out the awarding of the scholarship to recipients.
Study Abroad Advisory Board:
- BOKU-Internatinal Relations Dr. Calderòn-Peter
- FNHW Prof. Gratzer
- LAP Dr. Grimm-Pretner
- UBRM Prof. Haas
- LBT Prof. Haltrich
- KTWW Prof Kammerer
- AW Prof. Hietz