General Information
Photo: Patrick Mayrhofer
Joint Study agreements are bilateral agreements between two universities and respectively their faculties (colleges). In the agreements, the exchange of students for one semester is arranged. Tuition fees are released for the most part.
The quota of exchange of BOKU depends on the balances with the partner institutions (ratio incoming/outgoing students). We request our nominated students to promote BOKU at the host institution and to be a worthy representative of BOKU. You are all ambassadors of BOKU!
The advisory committee reserves the right to nominate you for another university as your preference. A second preference has to be chosen.
You apply not only for a JOINT STUDY scholarship but also for a study place. Study places have a value between €5.000,- and €25.000,- depending on the partner institution.
Get in touch with other students in the BOKU Exchange ALUMNI Facebook group.
The Awarding of the Scholarship:
The study abroad advisory committee, composed of one professor from each field of study and the executive head of BOKU-International Relations carries out the awarding of the scholarship to recipients.
Study Abroad Advisory Board:
- BOKU-International Relations Dr. Calderòn-Peter
- FNHW Prof. Gratzer
- LAP/LARCH Dr. Grimm-Pretner
- UBRM Prof. Haas
- LBT Prof. Haltrich
- KTWW Prof. Kammerer
- AW (Priv.-Doz. Wurzinger temporarily substitution until the end of March 2022): Univ. Prof. Sölkner