My Checklists
Supported by the European Union*
Deadlines for the application:
- June 30 (for winter semester: October 1 - end of January)
- November 30 (for summer semester: February - end of June)
Please find all important information at
As soon as possible - make a room reservation. Winter semester (October-January): At the end of July most dormitories are booked out, recommended places are gone earlier. Summer semester: until mid of January
Please find all important information to plan your stay (courses, calendar visa,...) at
1-2 months before the semester starts, we will send you an
where all important first steps are summed up.
Shortly before the semester starts, we cordially invite you to the
- Welcome Days for International Students
- Infosessions "First Steps" and
- Infosessions "BOKUonline"
Up to 4 weeks after the semester starts, you have to
- change your Learning Agreement in Mobility-Online (Information on that will be sent out by e-mail 1 week after the semester starts.
3 weeks before the semester ends, we will send you a
Please be aware that we do NOT send your transcript of records automatically - for further information please see the checklist for the departure. Each transcript also contains a description of the Austrian grading system.
Complaints & Appeal
Appeal process for complaints about the formal handling of the Erasmus stay.
Program participants can contact their Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinator up to 4 weeks after the end of the Erasmus stay if they believe that Erasmus documents (e.g. Learning Agreement) have not been prepared correctly or any other formal processing errors have occurred.
In this case, the student must send an e-mail with detailed reasons to erasmustoboku(at) The Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators will deal with this appeal as soon as possible or forward it to the relevant authorities.
Appeal process for complaints that are beyond the control of BOKU-International Relations
- Admission and study organization
For complaints regarding admission and study organization, please contact studienservices(at)
- Courses, exams, grades and certificates
For complaints regarding courses, exams, grades and certificates please contact studienservices(at) or the respective course professor.
Credits of BOKU courses at the home university
For complaints regarding the credits of BOKU courses, please contact your Erasmus+ coordinators or other responsible offices at your home university.
The responsible Erasmus+ coordinators can be informed in case of complaints (e.g. cc), but are not responsible for the handling.
*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.