General Information

We offer Slovakian courses for both beginners and advanced students. On BOKUonline you can find the available language courses, along with descriptions of each course and how they correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages levels. You can use this as a reference when applying for your course in order to see which course will fit your current language level best.

You can check which courses are currently offered during the Winter Semester and the following Summer Semester.


Please note that the BOKU goes-east courses are only offered if more than 12 students register for the winter-semester course.


Mag.a Slavomira Körnerova

Mag.a Slavomira Körnerova

  • Slovakian I (A1)

Slavomíra Koernerova studied Slovakian and English in her home country and has taught Slovakian as a foreign language since 2000. Since 2002 she has worked as a language teacher in Vienna, at both the Academy of Security  and the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna. She has written her own textbook “Praktická slovenčina”.