Straßenschild: 'Steiniger Weg'

On the development of methods, tools and standardized validation procedures of non-formal and informal competences

Validierungsverfahren an der BOKU

As part of the supplement to the performance agreement 2022-2024, the BMBWF and BOKU agreed to carry out a project to test the experience already gained in the form of the “Concept on possible validation procedures in the context of LLL” developed at BOKU. This was also anchored in the performance agreement period 2019-2021 and represents an important contribution to lifelong learning. The project is accompanied by quality assurance measures. Current results from existing and previous projects are continuously incorporated.

The aim is to develop methods, tools and standardized processes, as well as to test and evaluate an application scenario for the crediting of non-formally and informally acquired competences. The “Concept on possible validation procedures in the context of LLL” developed in 2019 is to be seen as an indispensable basis for this supplement.

Current results and developments can be found on this website.