Department statutes
The Department of Bionanosciences is operating under the "Statut des Departments für Nanobiotechnologie", accepted by the decision of the BOKU Rectorate on 08.05.2012. The DNBT Statutes can be accessed by the following link.
Department structure
The Department of Bionanosciences is comprised of three Institutes:
- Institute for Biologically inspired materials (Institute head: Univ. Prof. Erik Reimhult)
- Institute for Biophysics (Institute hed: Univ. Prof. José Luis Toca-Herrera)
- Institute for Synthetic bioarchitectures (Institute head: Univ. Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser)
With shared state-of-the-art laboratory and office infrastructure the institutes organize research and teaching in their respective area of expertise. A joint strategy for developing research and teaching and for use of common resources is coordinated through the meeting of the Institute heads (Institutsleiterkonferenz, ILK). The ILK is chaired by the Department head and has one attending representative from each department, typically the Head of each Institute; these are also Deputy Heads of Department. The ILK meets approximately weekly to discuss and support the decisions of the Department head and to distribute departmental tasks. The following list specifies the delegation of responsibilities and rights to represent the Department of Bionanosciences within the area of responsibility. These delegations are to be seen as complementary to the legally stipulated right of the Department head to represent the Department of Bionanosciences in all issues and the right of the deputy department heads to represent the department on behalf of the department head. All delegations are in order of appearance, i.e. the second name should only be contacted if the first person is not available. Department head: Univ.Prof. Erik Reimhult Deputies: Univ.Prof. José Luis Toca-Herrera and Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
- Forschungssprecher (Research representative): Univ.Prof. Erik Reimhult
- Administrative office (Büro): Dieter Jäger and Tiziana Fresu
- Teaching (Lehrsprecher): Univ.Prof. José Toca-Herrera
- IT (EDV): Univ.Prof. José Toca-Herrera (Biophysik), Dr. Peter van Oostrum (BIMat) and Dr. Darren Tan (Bioarch and DBNS)
- Safety (Sicherheit): Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser and Dr. Ronald Zirbs
- Fire safety (Brandschutz): Univ.Prof. Dr. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser and Dr. Ronald Zirbs
- Biological Safety (Biologische Sicherheit) commission: Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
- Chemical lab safety: Dr. Ronald Zirbs and Dipl. Ing. Ralf Jagenteufel
- First help (Erste-Hilfe) contact: Dipl. Ing. Ralf Jagenteufel
- Personnel: Univ.Prof. Erik Reimhult
- Global budget: Univ.Prof. Erik Reimhult
- Institute budgets: Respective Institute head.
- VIBT board (VIBT Steuerrat): Univ.Prof. Erik Reimhult and Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
- Institute head conference (Institutsleiterkonferenz, ILK): Univ.Prof. Erik Reimhult, Univ.Prof. José Luis Toca-Herrera and Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
- Internationales Gremium: ao. Univ.Prof. Bernhard Schuster and Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
- Common DBNS office desk allocation: Univ.Prof. José Toca-Herrera and Univ.Prof. Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
- Institute office desk allocation: Respective institute head
- SAP: Dieter Jäger
- EHS representative: Dr. Ronald Zirbs