The meeting of the leaders of all the institutes of the Department of Bionanosciences (Institutsleiterkonferenz, ILK) is an advisory body to the Head of the Department of Bionanosciences, in which all major decisions are discussed before being made by the Head of Department. It also prepares all strategic decisions concerning the department and in particular all decisions concerning use of department resources. The ILK is chaired by the Department head and has one attending representative from each department, typically the Head of each laboratory. The ILK meets approximately weekly. While not formally bound by decisions in the ILK, the policy of the DBNS is that decisions in the ILK taken by majority vote will be enacted by the Department head. At each ILK meeting minutes are taken which summarize discussions and decisions. These minutes are published on this web page. A list of acronyms and abbreviations that you might encounter in the minutes can be found here.