The research project “Climate-social Linz” is funded by the climate fund of the city of Linz (June 2023 – May 2025) and combines social science, art and civil society. It aims to empower marginalized people and tries to foster the understanding of different population groups for the climate crisis and social crises. In the context of an industrial city, the project develops different options for action. Visions of climate-social futures which were developed in workshops together with pupils, climate activists and single mothers play hereby a particularly important role.
You can find out more about the project on the website, i.e. the digital exhibition, the videos of the workshops and the working paper authored by the master students of Climate Change and Societal Transformation in the module Climate scholar activism.
You are also invited to watch and share our short video on LinkedIn and Instagram!
Picture - from left to right: Manuela Larcher (Jury), Lisa Lorez (Team Award Winner), Christina Plank (Award Winner Main Price), Principal Eva Schulev-Steindl © Christoph Gruber