Shape your career - program for career guidance
Shape your career - programme for career guidance
BOKU offers its young scientists an excellent scientific education and also provides targeted support in career orientation and strategic career planning and development.
The career guidance program is available to young and experienced scientists of all career levels. It is aimed at doctoral candidates, early postdocs and senior researchers and offers various formats for professional orientation, career counselling, networking and transferable skills.
The single modules can be selected individually and according to requirements. Each semester, the BOKU Training Passport and the internal training programm under the heading 'Shape your career' or 'English language seminars' offer a range of workshops and seminars which serve the own career planning and development. You can choose among others from the following program points:
Career Orientation - Seminar for the reflection of personal career models and for the exploration of individual career options in science and beyond
Strategic Career Planning - Plan to brand yourself within the scientific field or outside academia
Writing Retreat - for doctoral candidates who are aiming for the fast and concentrated finishing of their thesis
Postdoc Coaching - peer group coaching during postdoctoral phase when working on the own scientific profile
Club Habil - network meetings including informative lectures and informal exchange on the subject of habilitation at BOKU
Appointment Training - get strategic advice on how to prepare for an appointment procedure
! Transferable Skills - BOKU Training Passport offers around 130 training each year !
Online support for career planning is also provided by the EURAXESS Career Orientation Toolkit, which is available at any time.
You are looking for information about the different career levels? Explore the European Framework for Research Careers
Graduates of the seminars 'Career Orientation' and 'Strategic Career Planning' have the possibility to take advantage of individual coaching in cases that are particularly worthy of consideration (e.g. application for a career position). Interested colleagues should send an application form to Since the budget for individual coaching is very limited, we ask for your understanding if not all interested persons can be considered for an individual coaching.
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