Together with an external management consultant and expert in information security and risk management, a Project-Charter specifically tailored to the needs of BOKU was developed.
The aim of the Project-Charter is to implement a defined CMS at BOKU and to create the basis for the longer-term operation of a transparent, efficient and effective CMS and to draw up a compliance-manual.
The concept developed is based on generally accepted auditing standards and norms, in particular IDW PS 980 and ISO 19600.
According to this, a CMS consists of several elements/building blocks, i.e. regulations, awareness-raising measures and processes that maintain the operation of such a system.
The Project-Charter is implemented by means of several pilot activities/sub-projects, which are or have already been identified on the basis of a risk analysis. The sub-projects go through two project phases (pilot phase and roll-out phase) according to the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), which in turn are subdivided into several project steps.