Objectives/Benefits of compliance BOKU-StartLegal DepartmentComplianceObjectives/Benefits of compliance This page is available under these URLs: https://boku.ac.at/en/recht/compliance/objectives-benefits-of-compliance https://short.boku.ac.at/o35k9q Objectives Raise awareness of the basic principles and rules for the conduct of all BOKU-members internally and externally Ensure transparency and traceability of BOKU's decision-making processes Strengthening the socially impeccable behaviour, integrity and social responsibility of BOKU-members Raise awareness to BOKU-members with regard to correct behaviour towards each other Create and maintain a compliance-manual Benefits Creation of an orientation framework and a compliance-culture Promoting an organisational culture that does not tolerate breaches of the rules Safeguarding business operations Maintaining the trust of stakeholders Avoiding criminal offences and misconduct within BOKU Avoidance of penalties, damages and other payments by BOKU