Accident notification
Accident at work and Near-accidents
Accident at work
Occupational accidents are sudden bodily injuries occurring from outside in causal, local and temporal connection with the insured occupation or training. The insurance also covers journeys and activities in connection with the insured occupation or training. Certain accidents are treated in the same way as accidents at work, even if they affect persons who are not insured against accidents. These include, for example, accidents while rescuing a person from a life-threatening situation or while donating blood, accidents while working for members or helpers of aid organizations.
The obligation to report also exists if there is no strong impairment for three days, but a doctor's visit, an ambulance visit or a blue light operation took place. Since these organizations have a duty to register, the employer must also make the registration.
Have to be reported internally to the safety expert (erik.griebl(at), in order to be able to recognize possible sources of danger (stumbling blocks, working methods, etc.) and to be able to eliminate them after evaluation if possible.
Reporting obligation
Notifiable work accidents must be reported to the personnel department!
Obligation to report
Employers and doctors are obliged to report accidents at work and occupational diseases.
Every (alleged) occupational accident that kills the insured person or renders him/her partially or completely unable to work for more than three calendar days must be reported to the competent insurance company within five days at the latest.
Procedure at BOKU
Those affected and their superiors must fill out the insurance forms (accident report) and the institute secretaries must send them to the personnel department as soon as possible.
- BVAEB form for all persons who have a service contract with BOKU.
- AUVA form for all other persons, BOKU students, students from abroad, apprentices
BVAEB or AUVA forms can be found on the Human Resources Management homepage under Forms → Vacation, Sick Leave, Leave of Absence
It is important that the forms are received by the insurance company within the five-day period, otherwise the insurance benefits may be limited.
The human resources department forwards the forms to the insurance company and sends copies to the safety officer and the works council. The notifications are archived in the institute secretariat.