historic facts
The "Ofenbacher Forst", also known as "Kaiserwald" (imperial forest) was transferred into the state's property 1755 by the empress Maria Theresia. Many artistic-shaped boundary stones from this era can be seen in the forest. In 1925 the state-owned Enterprise "österreichische Bundesforste" (Austrian Federal Forests) was founded. In 1972 the contract between the Universtity and the federal forest enterprise concerning the establishment of a training forest was signed. Until 1972 the area (1000 ha) was divided into two forest districts with two foresters and about 30 workers. Now the University forest is part of a 3500ha forest district with 1 forester and 4 workmen. In 1986 the Seminar Building "Hubert-Kuhn Haus" was erected. In 2000 the state-owned Enterprise was refounded as joint-stock company. The state is 100% share-holder.