(The course list above only displays courses offered in the current semester.)
Exam modalities:
- The Sign-up for the exams of the ABF-BOKU is done exclusively via BOKUOnline.
- A Sign-off has to be carried out according to the BOKU-articles §25 "Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungsprüfungen"-Punkt(4)
Students are allowed to withdraw their sign-up, in an adequate way, for an exam until 3 days before the exam date at the corresponding person without any need to provide reasons.
To help with a successful passing of the courses offered by the Institute of Waste Management the following help is beeing provided:
- Scripts and coursematerial:
generally provided via BOKULearn. ATTENTION: In most cases a course sign-up (for the current semester) via BOKUOnline is necessary to gain access to the course on BOKULearn. (Therefore a password for a course-sign-up is not needed anymore.) - Textbook: Lechner (Hrsg., 2004): Kommunale Abfallentsorgung. ISBN 978-3-8252-2114-0.
- Recommended literature