- Back, E., Brands, E., Dargeloh, E., Firk, W., Frechen, F_B., Fuchs, W., Gnirß, R., Greil, K.-H., Günder, B., Krauth, K., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Schoenen, D., Theilen, U., van der Roest, H. and Wozniak T. (2000). Membranbelebungsverfahren. Arbeitsbericht des ATV-DVKW Fachausschusses KA-7. KA-Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser, Abfall 2000 (47) Nr. 10, 1547-1552
- Binder, J., Horvath, E. M., Heidegger, J., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R. und Braun, R. (1997). A Bio-assay for Comparison of the Toxicity of Trichothe-cenes and their Microbial Metabolites. Proceedings of the Fifth European Fusarium Seminar, Cereal Research Comm., Vol 25, No. 3/1, 489-491.
- Binder, J., Horvath, E.M., Schatzmayr, G., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R. und Braun, R. (1997). Screening for Deoxynivalenol-detoxifying anaerobic rumen microorganisms. Proceedings of the Fifth European Fusarium Seminar, Cereal Research Comm., Vol 25, No. 3/1, 343-346.
- Binder, J., Horvath, E. M., Schatzmayr, G., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R. und Braun, R. (1997). Neue Erkenntnisse über die mikrobielle Detoxi-fikation von DON und 3-Acetyl-DON. Proceedings 19. Mykotoxin Workshop, München, 50-54.
- Braun, R. und Steffen, R. (1997). Anaerobic Digestion of Agroindustrial Byproducts and Wastes. Proceedings 5th FAO/SREN Workshop Univ. Gent; Verstraete, W. (Hrsg.); Food and Agricultural Organization Rom, Technological Series 51, 27-41.
- Braun R. and Danner H. (1999). Anaerobic Digestion for Closing Material Cycles and Producing Energy. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "The Green Biorefinery", Haus der Region Feldbach, Feldbach, Austria. October 13-14, 1999.
- Danner, H., Boller, V., Neureiter, M., Sandhofer, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Neue biotechnologische Verfahren zur Produktion marktrelevanter C2-, C3- und C4-Verbindungen aus Biomasse. Proceedings 100-Jahrfeier der GÖCH und 26. Hauptversammlung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. 10. September.
- Danner, H. und Braun R. (1999). Biotechnology for the production of commodity chemicals from biomass. Chemical Society Reviews, 28, 395-405.
- Danner H., Madzingaidzo L., Holzer M., Mayrhuber E. und Braun R. (2000). Extraction of Lactic acid from Silages. Bioresource Technology 75, 181-187.
- Danner H., Madzingaidzo L., Molzbichler B., Neureiter M. and Braun R. (1999). Austrian and European Markets for Products from a Green Biorefinery. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "The Green Biorefinery", Haus der Region Feldbach, Feldbach, Austria. October 13-14, 1999.
- Danner, H., Neureiter, M., Madzingaidzo, L., Gartner, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Thermophilic production of L-lactic acid. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 62/4a, 1207-1212.
- Danner, H., Neureiter, M., Madzingaidzo, L., Gartner M.,and Braun, R. (1998). Bacillus stearothermophilus for the thermophilic production of L-lactic acid. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 70-72, 895-903.
- Danner, H., Ürmös, M., Gartner, M., and Braun, R. (1998). Biotechnological production of acrylic acid out of biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 70-72, 887-894.
- Danner, H., Madzingaidzo, L., Hartl A. and Braun, R. (1998). Thermophilic fermentative production of lactic lacid from C5-sugars. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference Biomass for Energy and Industry, 446-449.
- Danner, H., Boller, V., Neureiter, M., Sandhofer, M., and Braun, R. (1998). Fermentation routes for the production of chemicals - current status, future developments and needs. The Monograph. Concerted Action Novel Fermentation Feedstocks.
- Danner, H. (1998). A NREL-like pilot plant facility for Europe? The Monograph. Concerted Action Novel Fermentation Feedstocks.
- Ellend, N., Horvath, E.M., Binder, J., Braun, R. und Krska, R. (1997). Rapid thin-layer-chromatographic methods for the determination of microbiological degradation products of Deoxynivalenol. Pro-ceedings of the Fifth European Fusarium Seminar, Cereal Research Comm., Vol 25, No. 3/1, 361-362.
- Fuchs, W., Schatzmayr, G. und Braun, R. (1997). Nitrate removal from drinking water using a membrane-fixed biofilm reactor. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 48: 267-274.
- Fuchs, W. (1998). Membran contra Nitrat - Membrantechnik in der öffentlichen Wasseraufbereitung und Abwasserbehandlung. ÖKOprojekt 4/98.
- Fuchs, W., Theiss, M., Neunteufel, R. and Braun R. (2000). Dead end filtration as tertiary treatment for domestic waste water. Proc. Euromembrane 2000 (Jerusalem Sept 24-27 2000), 168-169
- Kirchmayr, R., Braun, R. and Baumann, F. (2000). Anaerobe Verwertung von Schlachtnebenprodukten. Die Fleischmehl-Industrie 12/2000, 52, 231-236
- Lešinský D., Fritz J.* and Braun R. (2000): Biodegradable materials, ecotoxicity in relation to biodegradability. In: Beseda I.: Current Problems and Procedures in Toxicology and Ecotoxicology; University report from Faculty of Ecology, p. 112, University Zvolen, Zvolen, SLK.
- Loibner, A.P., Holzer, M., Gartner, M., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (2000). The use of sequential supercritical fluid extraction for bioavailability investigations of PAH in soil. Die Bodenkultur 51/4, 225-233.
- Madzingaidzo, L., Danner, H., Gartner, M. and Braun, R. (1998). Extraction of lactic acid from silage. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference Biomass for Energy and Industry, 450-453.
- Madzingaidzo L., Danner H. and Braun R. (1999). Membrane Technology for Lactic Acid Separation and Purification. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "The Green Biorefinery", Haus der Region Feldbach, Feldbach, Austria. October 13-14, 1999.
- Scholz, W. and Fuchs W. (2000). Treatment of oil contaminated wastewater in a membrane reactor. Water Research 34, 14 pp. 3621-3629.
- Steffen, R. und Braun, R. (1997). Biotechnological processes for the reutilization of organic wastes from municipalities, agriculture and industry with special regard to biogas technology. Proceedings of the Third International Seminar of Experts on the Treatment of Industrial Effluents and Residues. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 México, D.F.
- Steffen, R., Kirchmayr, R., Brachtl, E., Steyskal, F. und Braun, R. (1997). Cofermentation of Agroindustrial and Pharmaceutical Wastes. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion. IAWQ, International Association on Water Quality.
- Steffen, R., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (2000). Feedstocks For Anaerobic Digestion AD-NETT, Anaerobic Digestion: Making Energy and Solving Modern Waste Problems Final Report, 2000.
- Vranitzky, R., Anwander, W., Lahnsteiner, J., Braun R. and Fuchs, W. (1999). Sludge Reduction Study - with special emphasis on the wastewater situation of the cities of Shanghai and Chengdu. Study on the behalf of the World Bank
Studien & Bücher
- Braun R.(1997). Biologische Bodenreinigung. In: Umweltbiotechnologie in Österreich. Monographien des Umweltbundesamtes Wien, Band 85b.
- Braun R. (1997). Biotechnologische Abfallbehandlung. In: Umweltbiotechnologie in Österreich. Monographien des Umweltbundesamtes Wien, Band 85b.
- Braun R. (1997). Anaerobtechnologie für die mechanisch biologische Behandlung von Restmüll und Klärschlamm. BMUJF.
- Braun, R. (1998). Anaerobtechnologie für die mechanisch-biologische Vorbehandlung von Restmüll und Klärschlamm. Schriftenreihe des BMUJF Band 10.
- Brik, M., Fuchs, W. (1998). Sequencing Batch Membrane bio-reactor for the treatment of tannery wastewater. Study for the National Centre of leather and shoe in Tunisia.
- Brik, M., Fuchs, W. (1999). Membrane Bio-reactor (MBR) for Municipal Wastewater Treatment for irrigation Reuse. Study for the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.
- Brik, M. (2000). Wastewater Treatment by the membrane bio-reactors. Study for the National Office for Sanitary in Tunisia (ONAS)
- Brik, M., Fuchs, W. (2000). High Compact Reactor - Ultrafiltration. Study for the National Defence Ministry in Tunisia.
- Danner, H., Molzbichler, B., Notegger, G. and Braun, R. (1999). Biotechnologie zur Produktion von marktrelevanten Chemikalien aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen - Ermittlung des Forschungsbedarfes, der technischen Umsetzbarkeit und des Marktpotentials. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten.
- Eibensteiner, F. and Danner, H. (2000). Biodiesel in Europe. System Analysis Non-Technical-Barriers. Study on the behalf of the International Energy Agency.
- Loibner, A. P., Braun, R., and Szolar, O.H.J. (2000). Einsatz von Toxizitätstests zur Beurteilung von Rohöl-kontaminierten Böden.
Vorträge & Proceedings
- Binder, J., Schatzmayr,G., Heidler, D., Ellend, N., Braun, R. and Binder, E.M. (1998). Microbial Inactivation of Trichothecenes - Development of a Feed Additive. 5 th Feed Production Conference, Piacenza, 15-18 June.
- Binder, Horvath, J. M., Heidler, D., Schatzmayr, G., Ellend, N., Krska, R. and Braun, R. (1998). In Vitro Testing of a Newly Isolated Anaerobic Deoxynivalenol Detoxifying Bacterium International Symposium Mycotox 98, Toulouse, 2-4 July
- Braun, R. and Grasmug, M. (1999). Examples of Typical Austrian Biogas Plants. Conference 4-5.11.1999, Galway, Ireland. Braun, R. and Kirchmayr, R., (2000). Anaerobic Digestion of Slaughterhouse By-Products and Rendering Plant Residues. Biogas-Event 22-24.11.2000, Ekilstuna, Sweden.
- Brik, M., Fuchs, W. (1999). Reclamation of used water from wastewater by a combined of biological treatment and membrane filtration. First North Africa and East Europe Symposium on the Environment and Sanitary Analytical Chemistry, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- Brik, M., Fuchs, W. (2000). Reuse of wastewater in Tunisia. 5th International Austro-Tunisian Meeting on Analytical chemistry of the Environment, Graz, Austria.
- dela Cruz, M.A.T., Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O.H.J., Leyval, C., Joner, E. and Braun R. (2000). Ecotoxicity Monitoring of Phytoremediation Processes. In: Contaminated Soil 2000, Eds. Harder, W. and Arendt, F., Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK, Vol.1, 351-354.
- Danner, H. (1997). Thermophilic production of L-lactic acid. 11th Forum for Applied Biotechnology. Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Sciences, Gent. 25-26 September.
- Danner, H. (1997). Neue biotechnologische Verfahren zur Produktion marktrelevanter C2-, C3- und C4-Verbindungen aus Biomasse. 26. GDCh-Hauptversammlung und 100-Jahrfeier der GÖCH, Wien, Wien, 7.-11. November.
- Danner, H., Boller, V., Neureiter, M., Sandhofer, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Fermentation routes for the production of chemicals - Current status, future developments and needs. EC NFF-CA Meeting, Bergen op Zoom, Niederlande, 9.-10. Oktober.
- Danner, H. und Braun, R. (1997). Biomass conversion large scale facilities in Europe - Existing equipment and future demands. EC NFF-CA Meeting, Bergen op Zoom, Niederlande, 9.-10. Oktober.
- Danner, H. (1998). Produkte aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen - Trends und Entwicklungen in Österreich am Beispiel des IFA-Tulln. Natur und Umwelt als Chance zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung im südlichen Sachsen-Anhalt. Lutherstadt Eisleben, 16.9. - 17.9.1998.
- Danner, H. (1998). Novel production techniques for sugar-based chemicals. Somaiya Organo Chemicals Ltd., Sakarwadi, India.
- Danner, H. (1998). Biomass derived chemicals as an alternative for the production of petrochemical derivaties. Instituto de Quimica, UNESP, Araraquara, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.
- Danner, H. (1998). Biotechnology for the production of commodity chemicals from biomass derived resources. National Institute of Technology INT, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Danner H. (1999). Austrian and European Markets for Products from a Green Biorefinery. 2nd International Symposium 'The Green Biorefinery'. Haus der Region Feldbach, Feldbach (Stmk), October 13-14, 1999.
- Danner H. (1999). Chemikalien aus Biomasse - Potential für Österreich - Eine Studie für das Wirtschaftsministerium. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, Seggau (Stmk)., 18.-19. 3. 1999
- Danner, H. (2000). The contribution of fermentation technologies to a sustainable development - Options, potentials and actual research. International Conference & Trade Show "Biotechnology - Practice in Non-Food Products". 22-25 October 2000, Münster, Germany.
- Fritz J. (1998). Biologisch abbaubare Werkstoffe in der Biotonne Vortrag und Publikation zur Fachtagung Kompostgütesicherung in Österreich, Wien
- Fritz J. (1999). Ecotoxicity of Biodegradable Materials After Composting Vortrag zum ersten IBCT-Workshop, Paris
- Fritz J. (1999). Ecotoxicity of Biodegradable Materials During Degradation in Soil Vortrag und Publikation zur Tagung "Biodegradable Materials and Environment", Paris
- Fritz J. (2000). Environmental impacts of biobased/biodegradable packaging materials Vortrag und Publikation zur Tagung "Food Biopack", Copenhagen
- Fritz J. (2000). Environmental effects of metabolites, by-products and residues during and after the biodegradation process. Vortrag und Publikation zur ORBIT-Tagung "Biodegradable Polymers", Wolfburg
- Fuchs, W., Brik, M. (1998). Application of Membrane Bio-reactors for Municipal and Industrial Wastewater treatment. 4th International Austro-Tunisian Meeting on Analytical chemistry of the Environment, Tunis, Tunisia.
- Fuchs, W. (2000). Biologische Abwasserreinigung in der Lebensmittelindustrie. VÖLB Herbsttagung 2000: Wasser und Lebensmittel, 23.11.2000, Wien
- Fuchs, W. (2000). Trinkwasser aus Abwasser - Kombination von biologischen und chemisch/physikalischen Hochleistungsverfahren zur Abwasseraufbereitung. ÖGBT-Jahrestagung, 27-28.4.2000 Seggau, Stmk.
- Fuchs, W. (2001). Membranbelebungsverfahren, kommunale Anwendungen. ÖWAV-Seminar: Membrantechnologie - Chancen und Grenzen, 31.01.2001, Wien
- Gartner, M. (1997). SFE-Advances in Method Developement. SFE-Introduction, Acad. of Sciences, MBU, Praha. 20. Oct. Gartner, M. (1997). Aplicacion de la Espectroscopia Infrarroja en Analisis Ambiental. Curso Teorico Prac-tico-Proyecto UNAM-GTZ Residuos Peligrosos, Institu-to de Geografia LAFQA, Mexico Ciudad. 24. - 28 Nov.
- Gartner, M. (1997). Hydrocarbon Analysis a Challange-Overview on State of the Art Techniques and New Approaches. Universidad Nacional de Mexico, PIQA&QA. 5. Dec.
- Gartner, M. (1997). Environmental Analysis Course. Project UNAM-GTZ "Dangerous Wastes" Universidad Nacional de Mexico, PIQA&QA. 10-21. Nov and 1.-4. Dec.
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). Phytoremediation of PAH-Contaminated Soils - Ecotoxicity Monitoring Using Bioassays. Conference 'Remade Lands 2000', Fremantle, WA, Australia. November 30
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). Bioventing, an Effective and Cost Efficient In-Situ Remediation Technique BIOVENTING. Invited by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Reunión International de Biotechnología y Medio Ambiente, Lima, Peru. September 23
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). Bioventing, an Effective and Cost Efficient In-Situ Remediation Technique. In: Reunión International de Biotechnología y Medio Ambiente, Eds.: Rosadio, R. and Merino, F., Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, 39-40.
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). Ecological Risk Assessment and the Application of Bioassays for Contaminated Soil. Invited by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Reunión International de Biotechnología y Medio Ambiente, Lima, Peru. September 22
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). Current Issues in Environmental Biotechnology. Invited by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Reunión International de Biotechnología y Medio Ambiente, Lima, Peru. September 21
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). The Application of Bioassays for Site Specific Risk Assessment. Invited by NATO, Workshop on 'The Utilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and Solutions', Praha, Czech Republic. June 19
- Loibner, A.P. (2000). Ecotoxicity Testing and its Integration in Ecological Risk Assessment. Invited by UNIDO, Expert Group Meeting on 'POPs and Pesticides Contamination: Remediation Technologies', Trieste, Italy. April 17-19
- Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., and Szolar, O.H.J. (2000). Ecotoxicity Testing and its Integration in Ecological Risk Assessment. In: ICS Proceedings Expert Group Meetings on ‘POPs and Pesticides Contamination: Remediation Technologies’ and ‘Clean Technologies for the Reduction and Elimination of POPs’, Ed. Miertus, St., ICS-UNIDO, Trieste, Italy, 130-135.
- Loibner, A. P., Braun, R., and Szolar, O.H.J. (2000). Einsatz von Toxizitätstests zur Beurteilung von Rohöl-kontaminierten Böden. Expert Study, 61 pages.
- Loibner, A.P., dela Cruz, M.A.T., Hirmann, D., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (2000). Phytoremediation of PAH-Contaminated Soils – Ecotoxicity Monitoring Using Bioassays. In: Remade Lands, Eds. Brion, A. and Bell, R.W., Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd., Canning Bridge, Western Australia, 24-25.
- Loibner, A.P. (1999). Bioremediation of Mineral Oil Contaminated Soil. Invited by UNIDO, ICS Workshop Cairo, Egypt. October 26
- Loibner, A.P. (1999). Innovative Technologies for Soil Remediation. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, Wien, Austria. October 19
- Loibner, A.P. (1999). Sequentielle SFE und Bioassays zur Beurteilung der Bioverfügbarkeit von PAK im Boden. Invited by Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, BRD. June 25
- Loibner, A.P. (1999). Sequential Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Predicting Biodegradation Rates and Ecotoxicological Impact of PAHs in Soil. Conference 'In-situ and on-site Bioremediation', Sandiego, CA, US. April 19
- Loibner, A.P. (1999). Bioventing - Grundlagen und Voruntersuchungen. Workshop 'Bioventing zur in-situ Sanierung von Mineralöl-kontaminierten Böden', IFA-Tulln, Austria. March 23
- Loibner, A.P. (1999). Bioventing - Applikation und Kosten. Workshop 'Bioventing zur in-situ Sanierung von Mineralöl-kontaminierten Böden', IFA-Tulln, Austria. March 23
- Loibner, A.P., Farthofer, R., and Braun, R. (1998). Aerobic Degradation of Hexachlorocyclohexane-Isomeres in Soil – Monitored by Using an On-Line GC-MS System. In: Proceedings ‘Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe’, Warsaw’98, Ed. Kollar, L., Florida State University, US, 1-5.
- Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O., Schlegl, M., and Braun, R. (1998). Bioavailability of PAHs in Soil and Ecotoxicological Considerations. In: Contaminated Soil ’98, Eds. Harder, W. and Arendt, F., Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK, Vol.2, 797-799.
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). On-line GC/MS Analytik zur Optimierung der biologischen in-situ Bodensanierung, OEGBT Jahrestagung, Wien, Austria. November 21
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). Methodes to estimate the bioavailability of PAHS in soil. Invited by Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic. 20-21 October
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). PAHs: Rapid estimation of their bioavailability in soil, SFE-Introduction. Invited by Acadamy of Sciences, MBU, Praha. 20 October
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). BIOVENTING: Eine kostengünstige und umweltgerechte in-situ Sanierungstechnik. Invited by ÖKK, Status Workshop Bodenluftsanierung, Wien, Austria. October 10
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). Basics for Biodegradation of Petrol Hydrocarbons, UNIDO - ICS Training Course 'Soil Environmental Assessment and Environmental Technologies'. Invited by UNIDO. Budapest, Hungary, June 10
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). PAHs: Rapid estimation of their bioavailability in soil, Conference 'In-situ and on-site Bioremediation' New Orleans, US. 1 May 1997
- Loibner, A.P. (1997). On-line GC/MS Analytik zur Optimierung der biologischen in-situ Bodensanierung. In: Tagungsband OEGBT-Jahrestagung, Hrsg. Hampel, W., Wien, Austria.
- Loibner, A.P. and Braun, R. (1997). Bioventing: Eine kostengünstige und umweltgerechte in-situ Sanierungstechnik. In: Tagungsband Status-Workshop Altlastensanierung, Wien, Austria.
- Loibner, A.P. and Braun, R. (1997). Basics for Biodegradation of Petrol Hydrocarbons and Feasibility studies of a TPH-contaminated site. UNIDO - ICS Training Course 'Soil Environmental Assessment and Environmental Technologies', Budapest, Hungary.
- Loibner, A.P., Gartner, M., Schlegl, M., Hauzenberger, I., and Braun, R. (1997). PAHs: Rapid Estimation of their Bioavailability in Soil. In: ‘In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation’, Eds. Alleman, B.C. and Leeson, A., Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, US, Vol.5, 617-622.
- Loibner, A.P. (1996). Studies on the bioavailability of PAHs in soil. Invited by Experimental Station Rothamsted, 'Soil Remediation - Current Research and Future Requirements'. November 16-19
- Loibner, A.P. (1996). Ökotoxikologische Begleituntersuchungen während des mikrobiellen Schadstoffabbaues im Boden. SFB-Tagung Hamburg-Harburg, BRD 'Reinigung kontaminierter Böden'. October 1
- Loibner, A.P. (1996). Beurteilung Kohlenwasserstoffkontaminierter Böden und biologische Sanierbarkeit. Expertenmeeting IFA-Tulln, Austria 'Stand der biologischen Bodensanierung'. June 14
- Loibner, A.P. (1996). Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Polluted Soil. Invited by Joseph Stefan Institut, Ljubljana. March 4
- Loibner, A.P., Mayrhuber, E., Gartner, M. and Braun, R. (1996). Ökotoxikologische Begleituntersuchungen während des mikrobiellen Schadstoffabbaues im Boden. In: ‘Neue Techniken der Bodenreinigung’, Hrsg. Stegmann, R., Economica, Hamburg, BRD, 219-228.
- Loibner, A.P., Mayrhuber, E., Gartner, M., and Braun, R. (1996). Ökotoxikologische Bewertung von mineralölkontminierten Böden. In: ‘In-situ Sanierung von Böden’, Hrsg. Klein, J., DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, BRD, 411-419.
- Ruiz, Y., Krishan, R., Loibner, A.P., Gartner, M., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (1997). Influence of the Soil Matrix on the Biodegradation of Diesel Fuel in Soils. In: Proceedings of the '3rd International Seminar of Experts on the Treatment of Industrial Effluents and Residues, Eds. Duran, C. and Ramirez, L., UNAM, Mexico, 180-184.
- Santer, P., Duran, C., Ranjani, K., Gartner, M., Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (1997). Bioremediation and Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Petrolhydrocarbon-Contaminated Soil. In: Proceedings of the '3rd International Seminar of Experts on the Treatment of Industrial Effluents and Residues, Eds. Duran, C. and Ramirez, L., UNAM, Mexico.
- Steffen, R. (1997). Procesos biotecnológicos para la reutilización de residuos orgánicos de municipios, agricultura e industria con énfasis en la producción de biogás (in spanish). Third International Seminar of Experts on the Treatment of Industrial Effluents and Residues. Nationale Autonome Universität von Mexico und Sekretariat für Umwelt, natürliche Energieressourcen und Fischerei, Mexico. 3.-9. April.
- Stoffers, N.H., Loibner, A.P., and Braun, R. (1998). Toxicity of Lindane Metabolites. In: Proceedings 5. Intern. HCH and Pesticide Forum in Bilbao, Ed. Garcia, F., IHOBE, Euskadi, Spain, 279-283.
- Szolar, O.H.J. (2000). Bioremediation of POPs; Applicability and Limitations. Platform presentation, EGM on POPs and Pesticides Contamination: Remediation Technologies, Trieste, Italy, 2000.
- Szolar, O.H.J., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P. (2000). Phytoremediation of PAH-Contaminated Soils – Influence on Soil-Pollutant Interactions. In: Remade Lands, Eds. Brion, A. and Bell, R.W., Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd., Canning Bridge, Western Australia. 26-27.
- Szolar, O.H.J., Arce, J.M., Loibner, A.P. und Braun, R. (1999). Schnelle, einfache und verläßliche Fraktionierung von PAK und potentiellen PAK-Metaboliten im Pasteurpipetten-Maßstab. Abstract in: Tagungshandbuch 'Natural Attenuation' DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, BRD.
- Arce, J.M., Szolar, O.H.J., Loibner, A. P., and Braun, R. (1999). Identification and Analysis of PAH-Metabolites formed during Biodegradation of Contaminated Soil. ÖGBT Jahrestagung, Seggau, Austria. 18-19 March 1999
- Bhatt, M., Szolar, O.H.J., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P. (2000). Ecotoxicological Evaluation of PAH-Contaminated Soil Using Earthworms. NATO Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic. 14-19 June 2000
- Bhatt, M., Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun R. (2000). Evaluation of Different Toxicity Endpoints by Exposure of Earthworms to PAH-Contaminated Soil. ÖGBT-Jahrestagung, Seggau, Austria. 27-28 April 2000
- Binder, J., Heidegger, Danner, H., Braun, R. (1996), Mikrobielle Detoxifikation des Mykotoxins Desoxynivalenol (DON). Poster: Jahrestagung der ÖGBT, Wien, März 1996.
- Binder, J., Horvath, E.M., Ellend, N., Krska, R., Danner, H. und Braun, R. (1997). Enrichment and Isolation of Deoxynivalenol-Detoxifying Microorganisms. Gordons Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire.
- Binder, J., Horvath, E. M., Heidegger, J., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R., Braun, R. (1996) Determination of the Deoxynivalenol-Detoxification Capacity of Microorganisms. IX. Intern. IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Rome
- Binder, J., Horvath, E.M., Heidegger, J., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R. und Braun, R. (1997). Hefehemmtest zur Bestimmung der Toxizität von DON-Metaboliten. 19. Mykotoxin Workshop, München, 2-4 Juni.
- Bozinivic, I., Loibner, A.P., Holzer, M., Gartner, M. and Braun, R (1997). Characterization of aging effects on the extractability of Diesel contaminated soils using Supercritical Fluid Fluid Extraction, OEGBT Jahrestagung, Wien, November 21
- Brik, M., Neunteufel, R., Fuchs, W. (2000). Fouling decreasing by Coagulation pretreatment in the membrane separation of wastewater. Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, Prague, Czech.
- Brik, M., Fuchs, W. (2000). Innovative technology for the reclamation of wastewater. Kontaktkomitee Studienförderung Dritte Welt (KKS), Vienna, Austria
- Brik, M. (2000). Environmental and Basic Data on Tunisia. Kontaktkomitee Studienförderung Dritte Welt (KKS), Vienna, Austria
- Brik, M., Fuchs W. & al. (2000). Water Recycling and Reuse by Application of Membrane Bioreactors. Le colloque international sur l'eau dans le bassin méditerranéen "WATRAMA 2000", Tunis, Tunisia.
- Danner, H., Fidler, A., Paul, C. und Braun, R. (1997). Mikrobielle Produktion von Acetaldehyd. UTEC Zero Emission in Tulln, Juni 1997.
- Danner, H., Holzinger R., Madzingaidzo, L. und Braun, R. (1998). Lactic acid from cheese whey permeate. Continuous fermentation in a membrane bioreactor system without supplements. 20th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Gatlingburg, Tennessee. 3.-7. Mai 1998.
- Danner, H., Madzingaidzo, L., Molzbichler, B. und Braun, R. (1998). Chemikalien aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. European Conference "Crops for a green industry", 6.-8. Oktober 1998, Gmunden, Österreich.
- Danner, H., Madzingaidzo, L., Neureiter, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Novel process for the continuous produc-tion of L-lactic acid under unsterile conditions. EC-Conference 'Renewable Bioproducts - Industrial Out-lets and Research for the 21st Century'. Wageningen, Niederlande. 24-25. Juni.
- Danner, H., Neureiter, M., Madzingaidzo, L., Gartner, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Bacillus stearothermophilus for the thermophilic production of L-lactic acid. 19th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 4.-8. Mai.
- Danner, H., Ürmös, M., Gartner, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Biotechnological production of acrylic acid out of biomass. 19th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 4.-8. Mai.
- dela Cruz, M.A.T., Szolar, O.H.J., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P. (2000). The Use of Bioassays in Determining the Ecotoxicity of Industrial Soils. NATO Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic. June 14-19
- dela Cruz, M.A.T., Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (2000). Ecotoxicological Evaluation of PAH-Contaminated Soils and Elutriates. ÖGBT-Jahrestagung, Seggau, Austria. April 27-28
- dela Cruz, M.A.T., Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O.H.J., and Braun, R. (1999). Acute Toxicity Evaluation of PAH-Contaminated Soil Elutriatees. ÖGBT-Jahrestagung, Seggau, Austria. March 18-19
- Farthofer, R., Loibner, AP. und Braun R. (1998). Aerobic Degradation of Hexachlorocyclohexane-Isomeres in Soil; 4. Intern. Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw, Poland. September 15-17
- Fritz J., Grasmug M., Mayer G. und Braun R. (1996). Umweltanalytik mittels Isotachophorese Posterpräsentation anl. Jahrestagung der Österr. Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, Wien.
- Fritz J., Friedmann J., Tutz B. und Braun R. (1996). Pflanzenverträglichkeit biologisch abbaubarer Werkstoffe während ihres Abbaus in Erde Präsentation am IFA-Tulln, bzw. an der HTL-Rosensteingasse [download Poster].
- Fritz J., Salfinger B., Steniczka G. und Braun R. (1996). Biologische Abbaubarkeit mittels Agartest Präsentation am IFA-Tulln, bzw. an der HTL-Rosensteingasse [download Poster].
- Fritz J., Grasmug M. und Braun R. (1996). Validated Isotachophoresis Methods for Environmental Samples Posterpräsentation anläßlich des Symposiums ITP'96, Prag [download Poster].
- Fritz J., Schöner B., Ho Thi T.O. und Braun R. (1997). Nachweis von Streßproteinen in Pflanzen Posterpräsentation anläßlich der UTEC'97, Tulln [download Poster]
- Fritz J., Gansberger E., Kügerl A. und Braun R. (1998). Vergleich, Charakterisierung und Miniaturisierung von Algen-Toxizitätstests Posterpräsentation am IFA-Tulln zum Abschluß der Projektarbeit. [download Poster]
- Fritz J., Link U. und Braun R. (1999). Ecotoxicologie des materiaux biodegradable apres compostage. Posterpräsentation anl. der Cemagref-Tagung "Matériaux biodégradables et Environnement", Paris. [download Poster]
- Fuchs, W., Theiss, M., Neunteufel, R., Brik, M. (2000). Dead-end filtration for Municipal wastewater polishing. the European Membrane association, Hills of Jerusalem, Israel.
- Gartner, M, Loibner, AP, Steffen, R, Kitzler A und R. Braun. (1996). ONLINE GASANALYSE BIOLOGISCHER PROZESSE MITTELS GC-MSD. 13. Forum Analytik, Wien, Austria, January 22-24
- Grasmug, M, Sanchez, C., Kirchmayr, R. and Braun, R. (2000). Verwertung organischer Abfälle mittels Cofermentation in Faultürmen von Kläranlagen. ÖGBT - Jahrestagung 2000, 27.-28.04.2000, Seggau, Styria.
- Heidler D., Binder, J., Schatzmayr, G., Ellend, N., Salfinger, B., Braun, R. and Binder E.M. (1999). Microbial Inactivation of Trichthecenes - Development of an in vitro model. Poster at: Gordon´s Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, 20.-25.6. 1999, New England College, New Hampshire, USA.
- Heidler D., Binder H., Thimm, N. Braun R. and Binder E.M. (1999) Microbial Inactivation of Trichothecenes - Development of an In Vitro Modell. Canadian Workshop on Fusarium Head Blight, Winnipeg, Manitoba 28-30. Nov. 1999
- Heidler, D. A., Binder, J., Schatzmayr, G., Ellend, N., Salfinger, B., Braun, R. und Binder, E.M. (1998). Biologische Inaktivierung von Trichothecenen - Etablierung eines in vitro Modells mit Schweinedarm. Mykotoxin Workshop, Detmold, Deutschland, 7.-10. Juni 1998.
- Hirmann, D., Loibner, A.P. und Braun, R. (2000). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Anwendung des Leuchtbakterientests an PAK-kontaminierten Böden. OEGBT-Jahrestagung Seggau, Austria. April 27-28
- Holzer M., Mayrhuber E., Danner H., Farthofer R. and Braun R. (2000). Metabolites of Lactic Acid Bacteria influencing the Aerobic Stability of Silages. The World Congress on Biotechnology. 3-8 September 2000, Berlin, Germany. [download poster]
- Holzer M., Mayrhuber E., Danner H., Madzingaidzo L. und Braun R. (1999). Effect of Lactobacillus sp. and Enterococcus sp. on Silaging and Aerobic Stability. XIIth International Conference "Silage production in relation to animal performance, animal health, meat and milk quality". July 5-7, Uppsala, Sweden. [download poster]
- Holzer M., Mayrhuber E., Danner H., Kramer W. und Braun R. (1999). Verbesserung der aeroben Stabilität von Silagen durch Zusatz von Starterkulturen. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, Seggau (Stmk)., 18.-19. 3. 1999
- Kirchmayr, R., Braun, R., Pestal, E. and Baumann, F. (2000). Implementierung der Faulung in die Verwertungs- und Entsorgungstechnik der Tierköperverwertungs-anstalten. Energiespartag 2000 Wels, 08.-09.03.2000, Upper Austria.
- Kirchmayr, R., Sanchez Barrios, C. G., Grasmug, M. and Braun, R. (2000). Implementierung der anaeroben Abfallverwertung in die Industrielle Tierkörper-verwertung. ÖGBT-Jahrestagung 2000, 27.-28.04.2000, Seggau, Styria.
- Link, U., Fritz, J., Mundigler, N. und Braun, R. (1997). Methods for Biodegradability and Compostability Testing of Materials. Jahrestagung der Österr. Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, Wien [download Poster]
- Loibner, AP., Szolar, O., Schlegl, M., Gartner, M. und Braun, R. (1998). Bioavailability of PAHs in Soil and Ecotoxicological Considerations; Consoil Conference, Edinburgh, UK. May 17-21
- Loibner, A.P., Mayrhuber, E., Gartner, M., and Braun, R. (1996): ECOTOXICOLOGAL EVALUATION OF PHC CONTAMINATED SOILS. DECHEMA Tagung 'In-situ Sanierung von Böden', Frankfurt, BRD, April 17.-18.
- Loibner, A.P., Schlegl, M., Gartner, M., and Braun, R. (1996). BIOAVAILABILITY OF PAHS IN SOIL. NICOLE Inaugural Meeting, Hannover, BRD, May 21
- Madzingaidzo L, Danner H., Hartl A. und Braun R. (1999). Lactic acid production from agricultural residues and pure sugar substrates. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, Seggau (Stmk)., 18.-19. 3. 1999
- Madzingaidzo L., Danner H. und Braun R. (1999). Technical Considerations in Extraction of Lactic acid from Silage. XIIth International Conference "Silage production in relation to animal performance, animal health, meat and milk quality". July 5-7, Uppsala, Sweden
- Mayrhuber E., Holzer M., Danner H., Madzingaidzo L. und Braun R. (1999). Comparison of homofermentative and heterofermentative Lactobacillus strains as silage inoculum to improve aerobic stability. XIIth International Conference "Silage production in relation to animal performance, animal health, meat and milk quality". July 5-7, Uppsala, Sweden [download poster]
- Schatzmayr, G., Binder, J., Heidler, D., Ellend, N., Braun, R. and Binder E.M. (1999). Untersuchung der Trichothecen Transformationsaktivität eines anaeroben Bakteriums. Posterpräsentation, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, Schloß Seggau , 18 u. 19. März 1999
- Schatzmayr G., Binder J., Heidler D., Ellend N.(b), Braun R. and Binder E.M. (1999). Deoxynivalenol Transformation-activity of an anaerobic Bacterium (1999). 9th European Congress on Biotechnology, Brussels 11-15 July, 1999; Book of Abstracts ECB9/2172
- Schatzmayr, G., Binder, J., Thimm, N., Heidler, D., Fuchs, E., Braun, R. and Binder, E.M. (2000). Enzymatic Degradation of Ochratoxin A. X. Intern. IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phytotoxins, Guaruja, Sao Paulo, 21. - 25. May 2000.
- Schatzmayr, G., Binder, J., Horvath, E.M., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R. und Braun, R. (1997). Anreicherung und Charakterisierung anaerober, Desoxynivalenol-transformierender Mikroorganismen. 19. Mykotoxin Workshop, München, 2-4 Juni.
- Steffen, R.; Kirchmayr, R.; Brachtl, E.; Steyskal, F. and Braun, R. (1997). Cofermentation of Agroindustrial and Pharmaceutical Wastes. 8th International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion. IAWQ, International Association on Water Quality. 25. - 29. Mai 1997, Sendai International Center, Sendai, JAPAN.
- Steffen, R., Steyskal, F. und Braun, R. (1997). Biogasforschung und Biogasanlagenplanung am IFA-Tulln. Utec-Absorga. 17. - 19. Juni 1997, Tulln.
- Steffen, R., Steyskal, F., Szolar, O. und Braun, R. (1997). Fermentation of slaughterhouse wastes from rendering plants in pilot scale. 3rd International Seminar of Experts on the treatment of industrial effluents and residues. Mexico City, MEXICO, 3. - 9. April 1997.
- Steffen, R., Gartner, M., Loibner, A., Braun, R., Kitzler, A. (1996) Gasanalyse biologischer Prozesse mittels GC-MSD. Biogas Tagung - Der derzeitige Stand der Technik und die Möglichkeiten der Biogasnutzung in der Landwirtschaft und der Industrie sowie als kommunale Entsorgungstechnik. Landw. FS Edelhof-Zwettl.
- Sthiannopkao S., Danner H., Braun R. und Haberl R. (1999). The production of L-lysine from grass-sap mixed with molasses. Gordon Conference "Applied Environmental Microbiology", Conneticut College, New London, CT, USA, 3-8 July.
- Stoffers, NH. , Loibner, AP. and Braun, R. (1998) Toxicity of Lindane Metabolites; 5. Intern. HCH and Pesticide Forum, Bilbao, Spain. June 25-27
- Stoffers, N., Loibner, A.P., Gartner, M. und Braun, R. (1997). Ecotoxicity of Lindane Metabolites, OEGBT Jahrestagung, Wien, November 21
- Szolar, O.H.J., Arce, J.M., Loibner, A.P., und Braun, R. (1999). Schnelle, einfache und verläßliche Fraktionierung von PAK und potentiellen PAK-Metaboliten im Pasteurpipetten-Maßstab. DECHEMA Conference 'Natural Attenuation' Frankfurt/Main, Germany. October 27-28
- Szolar, O.H.J., Brown, R.S., Luong, J.H.T., and Doblhoff-Dier, O. (1997). Cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography: a rapid analytical method for the separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Hewlett Packard, Forum Analytik 97, Vienna, Austria.