MSc Theses



Praise Ainomugisha, 2024, Uganda: Quantifying River Floodplain Ecosystem Services of the Austrian Danube and Its Two Tributaries; Traisen and Morava



Hampuwo Buumba, 2024, Zambia: Effects of Elevated Temperature on Gene Expression, Energy Reserves, and Cellular Energy Status in Salmo trutta (brown trout)



Nickson Kipngetich Kiptai, 2024, Kenya: Habitat Preferences of Macroinvertebrates in Selected Mount Kenyan Streams (Kenya, East Africa)



Antoney Ndyasiima, 2024, Uganda: Influence of Riverine Wetlands on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Ugandan Rivers



Amose Ouko Obonyo, 2024, Kenya: Quantifying Fine-Scale Temporal Variations in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Tropical Highland Valley Bottom Wetlands, A Case Study in Taita Hills, Kenya



Simo Raphael Ongaya, 2024, Kenya: Ecosystem services, land use change, and greenhouse gas emission from Cheleleka Wetland, Rift Valley, Ethiopia



Belvine Jepchumba Rotich, 2024, Kenya: Influence of Land Use and Land Cover on Riverine Greenhouse Gas Emissions in an Afro-montane Catchment, Ethiopia




Amon Aine, 2023, Uganda: Developing a Stream Typology for Wadeable Streams in the Rwenzori Sub Region, Uganda



Felix Ouko Akumu, 2023, Kenya: Understanding rural livelihoods supported by capture fisheries in Mara Wetlands, Tanzania



Moreen Katusiime, 2023, Uganda: Assessment of the impact of wetland restoration on ecosystem services in Rufuha wetland, Ntungamo district - Uganda



Damaris Guranya Kisha, 2023, Kenya: Influence of wetland conversion on greenhouse gas emission in valley bottom wetlands in Taita Hills, Kenya



James Nxytubase, 2023, Zambia: Challenges and prospects of small-enterprise Aquaculture for sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience in Zambia's WEF-nexus



Peter Otieno Omollo, 2023, Kenya: Diets of fishcommunities of the lower Mara wetland, Tanzania



Victor Apondi Omondi, 2023, Kenya: Nitrogen budget of a mixed-use catchment in Taita Hills, Kenya



Claire Turyamuhaki, 2023, Uganda: Assessment of changes in wetland ecosystem services in Lubigi wetland, Kampala, Uganda





Sheilla Atukunda, 2022, Uganda: The effect of network connectivity and environmental conditions on the hydro-chemical characteristics of a Danube floodplain system

Abstract, Full text


Evagzard Korir Kipnusu, 2022, Kenya: Effects of litterbag mesh-size and weirs on decomposition rates of Dombeya Goetzenii (K.Scum) leaf litter in the river Njoro, Kenya



Oswald Omuron, 2022, Uganda: Greenhouse gas emissions from two prominent features of livestock managment systems: Water pans and bomas in pastoral and agro-pastoral systems in Taita-Taveta County, Kenya





Gopal Prasad Khanal, 2021, Bhutan: Ecoregional and seasonal patterns of Macroinvertebrate communities in near natural Bhutanese streams

Abstract, Full text


Gerald Kwikiriza, 2021, Uganda: Hybridization levels of Tilapiine species in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya inferred from microsatellite genotyping based on next genereation sequencing

Abstract, Full text


Ali Idirisa Makame, 2021, Kenya: Effects of land use, streambed topography and macroinvertrebrates on decomposition rates of Syzygium guineense (Willd, 1828) and Ecualyptus saligna (Smith, 1797) leaf litter and macroinvertebrates assemblage in the Kamweti River, Kenya

Abstract, Full text


Mary Florence Nantongo, 2021, Uganda: Levels of selected water quality parameters, heavy metals and pesticide residues in water, sediments and Nile tilapia of Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Abstract, Full text


Lorine Auma Omondi, 2021, Kenya: Evaluation of faecal indicator bacteria and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from River Njoro, Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract, Full text


Dorcas Mutei Samuel, 2021, Kenya: Effects of land use on nutrient concentrations, carbon dynamics and stream metabolism in River Rupingazi, Kenya

Abstract, Full text


Remmy Safari Shoka, 2021, Kenya: Comparative assessment of growth performance of sex reversed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by fry immersion in freshwater and full seawater

Abstract, Full text




Harriet Asekenye, 2020, Uganda: Impact of Land use on water quality, sediment composition and functional response of microbial communities in three streams of Nzoia catchment

Abstract, Full text


Darlington Besa, 2020, Zambia: Population genetic analysis of Oreochromis macrochir and O. mweruensis compared to O. niloticus inferred from microsatellite and mitochondrial genotyping using next-generation sequencing 

Abstract, Full text


Clarisse Ishimwe, 2020, Rwanda: Quantification of nitrious oxide emissions from rivers and streams in Mara basin, Kenya



Nicholas Kigoonya, 2020, Uganda: The Effect of Land Use on Water Quality and Associated Ecosystem Services as Indicated by Macroinvertebrates in the River Rur, Germany 



Kareen Mirembe, 2020, Uganda: Evaluation of the relationship between microplastic pollution and landuse in the Rur catchment in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany



Bright Namata, 2020, Uganda: Microbial source tracking of faecal pollution in the water sources of Taita-Taveta County: Relationship between faecal pollution specific to livestock or humans and human related public health risks 



Rita Nkirote Nairuti, 2020, Kenya: Growth performance and survival rate of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L) reared on diets containing Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L) larvae meal

Abstract, Full text


Samuel Njagi Ngari, 2020, Kenya: Effects of agricultural land use on nutrients stoichiometry at River Nzoia headwaters in Kenya

Abstract, Full text


Harriet Okomo, 2022, Uganda: Effects of land use on selected water quality parameters and macroinvertebrates assemblages in Rupingazi River, Embu County, Kenya


Florian Sorger-Domenigg, 2020, Austria: A hydromorphological assessment approach under limited data availability



Michael Waiswa, 2020, Uganda: Effects of livestock on carbon and nitrogen fluxes and storage in watering pans of semi-arid areas, Taita-Taveta County (Kenya)



Mourine Jesire Yegon, 2020, Kenya: Structural and functional responses of macroinvertebrate communities to land use patterns - a case study at Mt Elgon, Kenya 

Abstract, Full text




Philippe Kwitonda, 2019, Rwanda: Comparative assessment of adult dragonfly indices for the evaluation of the health of artificial wetlands in South Africa


Doreen Kemunto Abuya, 2019, Kenya: Trace Elements in water, sediments, hydropsychidae larvae and freshwater crab from Gura and Sagana Rivers, Kenya



Sristika Adhikari, 2019, Nepal: Impact of change in land use and seasonality on river water quality in the Rur catchment, Germany



Sarker Mohammed Rafiqul Alam, 2019, Bangladesh: Trends in fish production and catch composition in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh



Joshua Mwendwa Benjamin, 2019, Kenya: Longitudinal trends in macroinvertebrate communities, functional feeding groups and performance of regional biotic indices for bioassessment of the Gura River, Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


Sharon Gubamwoyo, 2019, Uganda: Greenhouse gas emissions from rivers in Taita Hills, Kenya



Jacob Odeke Iteba, 2019, Kenya: Influence of large mammalian herbivores on nutrients and carbon loading, and benthic algal development in the Mara River, Kenya



Namakau Muyumbana, 2019, Zambia: Effects of a large hydropower dam on oxygen dynamics, Kafue River, Zambia



Judith Namumbya, 2019, Uganda: Water quality and pressures assessment of Mabamba Bay Wetland, Uganda



Demmy Namutebi, 2019, Uganda: Trophic levels of pelagic fish species from Lake Tanganyika



Beryl Atieno Omollo, 2019, Kenya: Microhabitat preferences of benthic macro invertebrates in the mountainous Gura River, Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


Roland Prieler, 2019, Austria: Comparative assessment of biotic indices and metabarcoding for assessing water quality and habitat integrity



Isabel Wallnöfer, 2019, Austria: Nitrogen dynamics in the Xochimilco Urban Wetland, Mexico City - A model approach



Filipos Engdaw Woldeab, 2019, Ethiopia: Nutrient dynamics and concentrations of heavy metals along the course of Megech River, Tributary of Lake Tana, Ethiopia

Abstract, Full Text




John Mwaura Kariuki, 2018, Kenya: Microsatellite Cross-Species Amplification and Utility in Selected African Cichlids: A Valuable Tool for Tilapiine Fishery Management and Conservation

Abstract, Full Text


Damaris Njeri Kinyua, 2018, Kenya: Influence of land use/cover change on greenhous gas emmissions and carbon stock in a tropical wetland in Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


Martin Tschikof, 2018, Austria: A nitrogen-cycling model of an integrated recirculating aquaculture system in Machakos, Kenya



Gernot Englmaier, 2018, Austria: Longitudinal zonation of fish assemblages in a tropical river: Awash river basin, central Ethiopia. With taxonomic and ecological considerations on the genus Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Abstract, Full Text


Dorothy Khasisi Lukhabi, 2018, Kenya: Characterization of Egerton University wastewater stabilization ponds and assessment of substrate size efficiency in reduction of faecal pollutants

Abstract, Full Text


Moses Mathenge Githaiga, 2018, Kenya: Assessment of Mangrove Forest Structure and Fish Assemblages in Kwale County, Kenya. A case of Gazi and Vanga Mangrove Forests



David Wanjala Namwaya, 2018, Kenya: Drivers of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from headwater streams of the river Mara, Kenya



Lilian Rudo Nyashanu, 2018, Zimbabwe: Assessing the effects of floodplain extent over time on Mimosa pigra stands in the Kafue Flats, Zambia



Emmanuel Okalang, 2018, Uganda: Solid waste management practices and challenges in communities surrounding wetland ecosystems in a developing nation: a case study of Uganda



Charles Jjuuko, 2018, Uganda: A dynamic simulation model for nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in floating tropical papyrus wetlands of East Africa



Janvière Tuyisenge, 2018, Rwanda: Assessing the temporal mixing and stratification in Lake Kivu

Abstract, Full Text


Philippe Kwitonda, 2018, Rwanda: Comparative assessment of wetlands integrity using dragonfly indices





Marshet Adugna Mitiku, 2017, Ethiopia: Parasite species richness of fish from fish ponds and fingerling sources in Central Ethiopia:  It's imlication on aquaculture development



Cavine Omondi, 2017, Kenya: Effects of long-term inorganic nutrient additions on benthic biofilm structure and functions in shaded and non-shaded streams: using indoor flume experiment, Lunz am See, Austria



Susanne Reisinger, 2017, Austria: The current status of gobies (Gobiidae) in Danube rip-raps in Vienna, Austria,

Abstract, Full Text


Mark Olokotum, 2017, Uganda: The occurrence and elimination of cyanobacterial toxins in potable water in Uganda; A Case of Gaba III and Walukuba Waterworks

Abstract, Full Text


Nathan Muchwa Semwanga, 2017, Uganda: Heavy metal levels in River Rwizi, Uganda



Martha Kaingi Muteti, 2017, Kenya: Suitability of on-farm formulated feeds and pond characteristics for Nile Tilapia production in Semi-Intensive culture in selected farms of Rift Valley Region, Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


Renis Auma Ojwala, 2017, Kenya: Effect of water quality on the parasite assemblages infecting Nile tilapia in fish farms in Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


H.M. Nurul Islam, 2017, Bangladesh: Effects of land use and geological composition on nutrient ratios (N, P and Si) and phytoplankton community structure: A case study on Upper Danube River Basin, Austria



Metogbe Belfried Djihuessi, 2017, Benin: Effect of the removal of water hyacinth on nutrient budget in shallow coastal lake: A case study from Lake Nokoué in Benin





David Were, 2016, Uganda: Assessment of the impact of flower farming on wetland ecosystems and ecosystems services : a case study of Lutembe Bay wetland, Uganda



Alejandra Gulfo Gonzalez, 2016, Colombia: Characterization of water and sediment of a tropical shallow lake in the Xochimilco urban wetland system, Mexico



Toko Moses Butele, 2016, Uganda: Ecosystem services in key biodiversity areas of Lake Victoria Basin


Ann Njeri Numi, 2016, Kenya: Microalgal-bacterial photobioreactor for the removal of carbon dioxide from biogas engine flue gases



Kenechukwu Obumneme Akabueze, 2016, Nigeria: Impact of changed water level on physico-chemical characteristics and plankton community of Lake Nakuru, Kenya



Samiullah Khan, 2016, Pakistan: Biochemical characterization of particulate and dissolved organic matter in pre-alpine Lake Lunz

Abstract, Full Text


Joshua Tazibirwa, 2016, Uganda: Assessment of the influence of Bujagali dam on the spatial-temporal fish assemblages of the upper Victoria Nile River, Uganda

Abstract, Full Text


Anna Schöpfer, 2016, Austria: Capturing the effects of the Danube River incision on the potential natural vegetation of the Donau-Auen National Park



Medhanit Meri, 2016, Ethiopia: Feeding habit, fecundity and other biological aspects of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Clariidae) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


Christine Wambui Mburu, 2016, Kenya: Mesocosm study on the potential use of vertical sub-surface flow constructed wetlands for removal of organic matter in slaughterhouse wastewater

Abstract, Full Text




Alemayehu Wubie Zerihun, 2015, Ethiopia: Comparative study of synthetic hormone Ovaprim and Carp pituitary gland used in induced breeding of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

Abstract, Full text


Tarekegn Arage Ayele, 2015, Ethiopia: Growth performance and survival rate of African catfish larvae Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) fed on different types of live and formulated feeds

Abstract, Full Text


Dereje Akalu Desta, 2015, Ethiopia: The effect of eucalyptus plantation on macroinvertebrate community of Ethiopian High Land streams: a comparison of streams passing through indigenous and eucalytus forests


Carolyne Guto, 2015, Kenya: Incorporation of copra meal in the formulation of diet for milkfish (Chanos chanos), grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus)

Abstract, Full Text


Farasat Ali, 2015, Pakistan: Strategic Environmental Assessment as a tool for Trans-boundary River Basin Management: a case study of the Chenab River Basin



Gadiel David Moshi, 2015, Tanzania: Assessment of wastewater treatment efficiency of a constructed wetland at Finlays Flower Farm, Kericho, Kenya

Abstract Full Text


Risper Ondiek, 2015, Kenya: Assessment of ecosystem services in natural wetlands and rice fields in Nyando floodplain, Kenya

Abstract, Full Text


Mijanur Rahman, 2015, Bangladesh: Assessment and valuation of wetland for improved development decision-making: A case study on mangrove wetland in Bangladesh





Nicholas Otieno Outa, 2014, Kenya: Growth and population parameters of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) in the open waters of Lake Victora, Kenya



Emmanuel Omonding, 2014, Uganda: Denitrification potential in a natural wetland in an agricultural catchment receiving urban runoff and partially treated wastewater



Violet Magaret Namakula, 2014, Uganda: Optimization of a Duplex constructed wetland for nitrogen removal through nitrification and denitrification



Abelneh Yimer Melaku, 2014, Ethiopia: Effects of feed additives (premix) on growth performance of three Oreochromis niloticus (L., 1758) Ethiopian strains in concrete ponds, Sebeta, Ethiopia



Jully Seema Senteu, 2014, Kenya: Optimization of a hybrid tropical domestic wastewater constructed wetland for nitrogen transformations and removal using a dynamic simulation model.



Sheela Sharma, 2014, Nepal: Phosphorus Binding Fractions in Oxidized Migina Wetland Sediments, Rwanda



Emma Immaculate Kyomukama, 2014, Uganda: Optimization of the Duplex constructed wetland design for total microbial activity removal of faecal indicator organisms and organic matter from domestic wastewater



Solomon Akalu Dealegne, 2014, Ethiopia: Ecological impacts of siltation, the case of three Ethiopian rivers

