Erasmus+ Short Term Mobility & Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)

Ab sofort können sich Studierende, Personal und Organisierende über die Erasmus+ Programme „Kurzzeitmobilitäten“ und „Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs)“ auf der Website von BOKU-IR informieren. 

Eine Erasmus+ Kurzzeitmobilität ist eine physische Auslandsmobilität für Studierende, ergänzt durch einen virtuellen Teil. Für Doktoratsstudierende ist sie auch ohne virtuelle Komponente absolvierbar. Studierende, die nicht die Möglichkeit haben, einen längerfristigen Erasmus+ Studien- oder Praktikumsaufenthalt oder eine mehrmonatige Forschung zu absolvieren, können mit einer Erasmus+ Kurzzeitmobilität ins Ausland gehen. Kurzzeitmobilitäten können in Programm- und Partnerländern weltweit absolviert werden. 

Bei Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) handelt es sich um kurze Gruppenmobilitäten, an denen sowohl BOKU-Studierende, als auch -Personal teilnehmen können. BIPs gelten als Variante von Erasmus+ Kurzzeitmobilitäten. BIPs bestehen aus einem physischen und einem virtuellen Teil und werden von einem Zusammenschluss aus mindestens 3 Hochschulen aus 3 verschiedenen Ländern durchgeführt. Durch BIPs sollen die Nutzung innovativer Lern- und Lehrmethoden gefördert und die Möglichkeiten der Online-Kooperation genutzt werden. In transnationalen und interdisziplinären Teams können aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen bearbeitet werden.

Weitere Informationen:
Erasmus+ Kurzzeitmobilitäten für Studierende

Erasmus+ BIPs für Studierende

Erasmus+ BIPs für Personal

Erasmus+ BIPs für Organisierende

From now on, information about the Erasmus+ programmes "Short-term mobility" and "Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)" is available on the BOKU-IR website for students, staff and organising institutions.

An Erasmus+ Short-term Mobility is a short physical mobility abroad for students, complemented by a virtual part. PhD students can also complete it without a virtual component. Students who do not have the opportunity to undertake a longer-term Erasmus+ study stay, internship or several months long research abroad, can take advantage of the programme Erasmus+ Short-term Mobility. Short-term mobilities can be completed in programme and partner countries worldwide.

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are short group mobilities in which both BOKU students and staff can participate. BIPs are considered a variant of Erasmus+ Short-term Moblities. BIPs consist of a physical and a virtual part and are carried out by a consortium of at least 3 universities from 3 different countries. BIPs aim to promote the use of innovative learning and teaching methods and to exploit the possibilities of online collaboration. Current societal challenges can be addressed in transnational and interdisciplinary teams.

Further information:
Erasmus+ Short-term Mobilities for Students

Erasmus+ BIPs for students

Erasmus+ BIPs for staff

Erasmus+ BIPs for organizing institutions



Looking for Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes?

A list of Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes can be found here: List of BIP's

If you are interested in participating at a specific BIP, please make sure that the receiving university is a BOKU partner university within Erasmus+. If you have questions on this matter, contact BOKU-International Relations.

Guidelines & requirements for BOKU students who want to apply for Erasmus+ funding for their BIP participation can be found here.

Guidelines & requirements for BOKU staff members who want to apply for Erasmus+ funding for their BIP participation can be found here.

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme "Internet of Things and 3D Printing" 19-23 May 2025 at University of Serbia, Serbia | Application deadline: 31 January 2025

This BIP is organised by the University of Novi Sad, in collaboration with University of Porto, Portugal, Université Paris-Saclay, France and the Arctic University of Norway and open to all interested students from EU Member States and third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme.

BIP vision:

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the significant trends in modern technology. Internet-enabled devices are omnipresent and always connected to the Internet and to each other. Their application ranges from personal, such as mobile phones, smart home appliances to the wide industrial scale, such as production line monitoring and connected cars. Their constant connectivity generates large amounts of data, which is used for analysis, resulting in reduction of costs, improved safety, and an overall increase in quality of life.

It is inevitable that today’s students will encounter IoT in their future jobs. Therefore, it is of crucial importance for the students to be introduced to the underlying principles, technologies, and procedures of IoT, truly understand its impact and be able to use it in their work.

As for teachers, they must be aware of the vast scope and depth of the IoT, how it relates to modern education, and how to integrate it with the ‘classical’ disciplines taught in academia.

3D printing was until recently reserved for expensive industrial applications or dedicated hobbyists. Nowadays, with the emergence of affordable, easy-to-use 3D printers and software tools, prototyping, and manufacturing of IoT devices is within the grasp of secondary and higher educational institutions. The way of thinking and methods of 3D design should be included in curricula to bring together theory and practice, with the goal of enabling students to produce prototype devices and use them in their work.

Virtual part: 1 April - 9 May 2025

Erasmus+ funding option for BOKU students can be found here.

Further information on the BIP programme can be found here.