Summer und Winter Schools, die von anderen Universitäten (tw. in Kooperation mit der BOKU) angeboten werden

Die BOKU hat leider keine eigenen Datenbank, auf der man Summer Schools finden kann! Aber wir versuchen Ihnen, die von unseren Partnerunivesitäten gesendeten Angebote auf dieser Seite zur Verfügung zu stellen.

BOKU does not offer any database on which you can find summer schools. But we try to keep you informed by putting all of the information we get from our partner universities on this page.

Erasmus+ BIP "The Future of Agriculture in the Context of Global Change", May 2024

The Intensive Blended Learning Program (PIP) entitled "The Future of Agriculture in the Context of Global Change" offers a comprehensive exploration of sustainable agricultural practices and their role in addressing the challenges posed by climate change and global changes. The course is divided into an online and face-to-face component, taught at the UCLM School of Agricultural, Forestry and Biotechnology Engineering (ETSIAMB) in Albacete, Spain.

Students will explore Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG 15), focusing on the conservation and restoration of ecosystems to sustain life on earth. Through engaging discussions, they will examine the implications of land degradation, biodiversity loss and deforestation, along with strategies to mitigate these problems.

The course offers a practical overview of organic horticulture, teaching students chemical-free farming methods, ecological pest and disease management, and sustainable soil fertility techniques.
The classroom component delves deeper into agroecological agronomy systems, emphasizing ecological principles, promoting biodiversity and improving soil health. In addition, students will gain an in-depth understanding of soil health and effective irrigation management, essential aspects of sustainable agriculture.

By examining the socioeconomic impacts of different farming systems, students will analyze the effects of agricultural practices on local communities, livelihoods and income distribution. They will also explore innovative approaches to managing and valorizing agricultural residues, transforming waste into value-added products while promoting sustainability. Students will further explore the importance of genetic resources in the context of climate change, understanding the importance of preserving plant genetic diversity for crop resilience and adaptation. Finally, the course delves into the potential of crop biotechnology, offering insights into climate-resilient crops and increased agricultural productivity.

  • Target group: Master students & PhD students
  • Virtual component description: 13-14 May 2024; 2 online classes prior to the event focusing on introduction, teams formation and preparations for the project week. 5 hours, 2 days.
  • Physical mobility: 20-24 May 2024 at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Spain


Further information

ELLS Summer Schools/ different topics for BOKU students / in June/July/August 2024

The Euroleague for Life Sciences offers a variety of summer schools for students of member universities. Please inform your students about the Euroleague for Life Sciences Summer Schools. BOKU will also award a travel scholarship for BOKU students in 2024:

See further information

Sommeruniversitäten OeAD / Green.Building.Solutions (GBS) & Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) / Jetzt bewerben!

Die Sommeruniversitäten Green.Building.Solutions (GBS) und Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) werden erneut in Wien im Juli und August abgehalten. Die Programme beschäftigen sich mit Klima- und Ressourcenschutz und mit nachhaltigen Lösungen dazu: einerseits im Bausektor, andererseits im Finanz- und Wirtschaftssystem.

Zur Bewerbung für AEMS

Zur Bewerbung für GBS

14th International Summer Academy, Switzerland / Peacebuilding, Conflict Solution, Mediation, Justice, International Security, Leadership & Intercultural Dialogue / 5-12 August 2024 in Basel | Application deadline: 1 July 2024

The Summer Academy will take place in Basel, Switzerland during 5 - 21 August 2024 at the Hotel Alfa.

This event will be useful to get academic knowledge as well as work-field based experience by involved experienced experts, building fruitful networks.

Scholarship: IPD offers several types of scholarship support to reduce the participation fee amount for most needed potential participants from all over the world. If you wish to get discounted participation fee amount, please write your request briefly via email before or during the application submission period. Unfortunately, IPD scholarship sources do not cover all the participation fee amount or international travel expenses. Only a discounted fee amount can be offered.
To register for the Summer Academy, you need to fill the application form and send it by email till the application deadline: 1 July 2024.
More information about the summer program

APPEAR Summer School, Armenia / Strengthening Genetic Biocontrol Capacities under Climate Change in Armenia /2-12 September 2024 in Yerevan| Application deadline: 15 May 2024

BOKU students are invited this summer school for exploring ecosystem dynamics, emerging diseases, and invasive species among Armenia's breath-taking landscapes. The program includes lectures, laboratory trainings and fields expeditions to various beautiful natural areas, led by experts from Austria and Armenia.

Key Topics:

  • Principles of One Health approach
  • Zoonotic disease transmission
  • Wildlife ecology and management
  • Monitoring of wildlife.

There is a fee of 500 Euros for the Summer School.

The program fee encompasses the following:

  • Transfer to and from the airport
  • Shared bedroom accommodation
  • Meals
  • Any transportation specified in the program
  • Social activities
  • Onsite emergency support
  • Certificate of attendance

The program fee does *not* cover the following:

  • International flight costs to and from Zwartonts airport (Yerevan) of Armenia
  • Medical or travel insurance
  • Groceries
  • Personal spending money

Further information on the programme

Registration link

The attendance is planned for students from Austria (BOKU, VetMed, MedUni) and students from Armenia. Contact at BOKU: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gábor Mészáros.


Online Summer Programme on Portuguese Language and Culture /1-26 July 2024 / Application deadline: 21 May 2024

BabeliUM – language centre of the School of Arts and Humanities of the Universidade do Minho, together, with five other Portuguese higher education institutions (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade de Lisboa) and Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua I.P. is organizing an Online Summer Programme on Portuguese Language and Culture, which will take place between the 1 - 26 July 2024.
Applications are open until 21 May 2024 (see Website)

Further information and application procedures


International Summer School / Courses in Spanish and English / 1-20 July 2024 at University of Havana, Cuba | Registration deadline: 10 June 2024

What will be offered?

  • Courses in Spanish and English
  • Spanish Language Courses
  • Salsa classes and cinema-cafes
  • Workshops and conferences
  • International Open Doors
  • Tour of the University of Havana and visit to its museums
  • Excursions and cultural activities

Who can participate?

  • Undergraduate, graduate and high school students

Applications can be submitted via the following form

Contact the organisers through the following email: escueladevi.uh(at)

Further information

Summer school, France / “Ecological and evolutionary plant breeding for sustainability - Concepts of Darwinian Agriculture” at Institut Agro Montpellier / Application deadline: 30 April 2024

As the world grapples with the complexities of sustainable agriculture, understanding the intricate dance between ecology and genetics becomes essential. The upcoming Summer School at Institut Agro Montpellier offers a unique opportunity for students to delve into the realm of Darwinian Agriculture. From 15th to 21st July 2024, this intensive program will immerse participants in the latest theories, techniques, and practical applications of ecological and evolutionary plant breeding, building the way for a greener tomorrow.
An introduction to the key concepts, theories, and cutting-edge techniques in Darwinian Agriculture and plant breeding, along with its potential applications in contemporary agricultural practices. This program explores the domain of agroecology, outlining its fundamental concepts and emphasizing the intricate interrelationship between ecology and genetics    

Course Set-up:
Introduction to theoretical concepts (e.g., game theory), hands-on activity on plant interation, field visit, (open) seminars. Some on-line preparatory study activities will be required from participants, starting in May 2024.

Who can join?
PhD and MSc students in:

  • plant breeding,
  • ecology
  • plant sciences

Programme information

Apply here

Ljubljana Summer School 2024 / for Bachelor’s and Master’s students / 8-24 July 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia | Application deadline: 3 June 2024


The programme of this year’s Ljubljana Summer School is aimed at Bachelor's and Master's students as well as university graduates and young professionals who want to acquire new knowledge in
specific areas.

Programme information:
Bachelor courses (ECTS: 6)

  • Business Plan Development/Lean Start-ups
  • Corporate Finance
  • Intercultural Marketing
  • Mastering the Art of Knowledge Management
  • Programming with Python
  • Psychology for Managers
  • Statistical Analysis with R
  • Sustainability Strategies for International Business
  • The Art & Science of Negotiations

Master courses (ECTS: 7)

  • Behavioural Economics & Neuromarketing
  • Content Marketing and Storytelling
  • Data Analytics - Tools for Big Data
  • Digital Business for Sustainable Future
  • Digitalized Supply Chains with Sustainable Sourcing
  • From Customer Experience to Digital Customer Experience
  • Strategic Brand Management: meaning, value and culture
  • Venturing for Social Good  

Further information on the programme and registration

Summer School SustainMV 2024 / Sustainability in the fields of Tourism, Renewable Energies, Digital & Technological Innovations, Recycling & Waste Management, Ecosystems and Social Sustainability / 3-13 September 2024 at University of Greifswald,

SustainMV, this one of a kind event, is jointly organised by the Higher Education Institutions of the region, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The overarching theme is Sustainability in the fields of Tourism, Renewable Energies, Digital & Technological Innovations, Recycling & Waste Management, Ecosystems and Social Sustainability, showcasing opportunities for transformation through science and education for a sustainable future.

SustainMV on-site will take place 3-13 September 2024. It is preceded by a three-day online introduction to the subject from 27-29 August 2024.

Thanks to government funding, the organizers are again able to offer SustainMV 2024 tuition free. Nevertheless, for on-site participants there will be a registration fee of 100€ charged after successful application. Accommodation is included. Attending the online + on-site programme is accredited with 4 ECTS according to the European Credit Transfer System.

Applications for SustainMV 2024 from advanced Bachelor as well as Master students in any sustainability related subject area are accepted. The application is open from 1 March 2024.

Detailed information on the summer school

BOKU Summer School / Soils and Global Change / 6-13 July 2024 at Rosalia Research Forest Centre (Lower Austria)

The BOKU Institute of Soil Research invites students to the Summer School on Soils and Global Change! The summer school is scheduled to take place at the Rosalia Forest Centre in Lower Austria, Austria, from 6-13 July 2024. The course program will focus on two main areas:

  1. Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) and
  2. Modeling of Soil Formation

Instructors from BOKU and the University of Gent, Belgium will coordinate the teaching activities. We anticipate invited speakers from CREA (Italy) and the Federal Environment Agency (Austria).The program includes a combination of field trips to state-of-the-art monitoring infrastructure and simulations of climate change, a soil formation modeling workshop, and interactive lectures aimed at deepening understanding of the relationships between soils and global environmental changes.

Participation fee: 400€, covering transportation from and to Vienna, accommodation at the Rosalia Forest Centre, and full board (three meals per day).

Interested individuals can contact Lea Wellinger and Eugenio Diaz-Pines

Link to the Lehrforst Rosalia LTER site

Link to the Forest Demonstration Centre

Sommerkolleg Bovec / Culture, Society and the Environment / 7.-21. Juli 2024 in Bovec, Slowenien| Bewerbungsfrist: 20. Mai 2024

Das Sommerkolleg wird im gleichnamigen und geschichtsträchtigen Ort in Slowenien abgehalten und steht ordentlichen Studierenden aller österreichischen Hochschulen offen. Mit der Förderung des BMBWF müssen die studentischen Teilnehmenden der österreichischen Hochschulen einen Beitrag von Euro 220,- für das zweiwöchige Programm (inkl. Kost und Logis) bezahlen. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 20. Mai 2024.

Für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme gibt es 3 ECTS-AP. Das Programm der Sommerschule Bovec umfasst je nach Auswahl einen Sprachkurs (Slowenisch, Italienisch, Kroatisch, Friulanisch oder Deutsch), wissenschaftliche Workshops, Exkursionen, Sprachcafés sowie Film-, Musik-, Spiele- & literarische Abende. Da u. a. Tandem-Prinzip als Sprachlernmethode zur Anwendung kommt, müssen Teilnehmende über sehr gute Kenntnisse (z. B. C1/C2-Niveau) in einer der Sommerschulsprachen Deutsch, Slowenisch, Italienisch, Kroatisch oder/und Friaulisch verfügen.

AgroParisTech International Summer Program / Food, Sustainable Cosmetics and Biotechnologies / 3 June – 17 July 2024 | Application deadline: 24 March 2024

Main focus areas of the summer program are “Food, Sustainable Cosmetics and Biotechnologies” and the program will be taking place from June 3rd to July 17th.

An all-encompassing 6-week experience in France with an integration in the local research & innovation ecosystem is offered (with an internship that could be a strong plus on the students’ CV), French (for beginners and false beginners) classes, courses by top-level experts, field trips and cultural visits.

The program will be 100% given in English, accessible from the 3rd year of bachelor studies on and AgroParisTech will offer local accommodation during the length of the program. Students travelling to France will have the opportunity to fully connect with local communities (students, researchers…) and also to acquire significant skills that will support their future careers. This program is also set up with a “value for carbon” vision.

All the information is available on the website

Deadline for applying is 24 March 2024.

UCPH International Summer Programme / Courses in health, urban design, biology, law, gender studies, computer science, math, sustainability, and many more / Application deadline: 1 April 2024

The University of Copenhagen invites students from all over the world. The International Summer Programme offers an intensive learning experience for international and domestic students looking to earn credits during the summer months. All in all, there will be 38 summer courses from across all faculties. Some courses offer broad introductions to a specific field of study for students interested in learning something completely new. Other courses are very specialized and require prior knowledge on the subject. Some courses are topical and engage in current political debates, like the course on science as a cultural human right. Other courses focus on cutting-edge research in old disciplines, like the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard. All courses are taught in English and are open to both international and domestic students.

Further information on the programme

EPICUR Summer courses / Sustainable Transformation, European Values, Global Health & Future Intelligence / Application deadline: 8 April 2024

With EPICUR, you have the opportunity to enrolling a diverse range of engaging courses and acquire international experiences and ECTS credits, all without the need to spend an entire semester abroad.

The EPICUR summer programme highlights courses cantered on themes including Sustainable Transformation, European Values, Global Health, and Future Intelligence. Additionally, we provide courses designed to enhance your transversal skills and facilitate language acquisition across a diverse range of languages.

Applications will be open from 11 March – 8 April 2024.

Further information

Summer schools at University of Milano-Bicocca / Target group: master’s degree students, PhDs, researchers and academics / in May, June & September 2024 in Albania, Italy and Kyrgyzstan

B-YOUTH 24: Youth Emancipation through Research
Uncover the nature and potential of young people's participation in research.
Dates: 16-20 June 2024
Location: Monte Barro Regional Park, Como Lake, Italy.
Details on B-YOUTH 24
Organizing Department: Department of Human Sciences for Education
GEM-SILKWAY Central Asia Edition: Sustainable Development Dialogue
Explore the intersection of sustainability and human development.
Dates: 24-28 June 2024
Location: Issyk Kul Lake facility of OSH University - Kyrgyzstan.
Details on GEM-SILKWAY Central Asia
Organizing Departments: Department of Materials Science, Department of Sociology and Social Sciences
GEM-SILKWAY Eastern European Edition: Energy Transition
Delve into sustainability, energy transition, and green energy management.
Dates: 2-8 September 2024.
Location: Tirana University, Tirana, Albania.
Details on GEM-SILKWAY Eastern Europe
Organizing Departments: Department of Materials Science, Department of Sociology and Social Sciences, Department of Economics Management and Statistics
Shaping emotions, Designing futures in virtual spaces
Dates: 29-31 May 2024
Location: Milan, Italy.
Details on EEIVE
Organizing Department: Department of Human Sciences for Education
MEDEA: Mediterranean Diet, Biodiversity, and Functional Food
Explore Sicily's culinary traditions through lectures and field surveys.
Dates: 21-25 May 2024
Location: Western Sicily, Trapani Area, Italy.
Details on MEDEA
Organizing Department: School of Medicine and Surgery

Sommersprachkurs 2024 an der MCU, Taipei / Sprachkurs für Mandarin-Chinesisch / 1.-26. Juli 2024, in Taiwan

In Österreich Studierende, die „non-native Mandarin Chinese speaker“ sind, wird eine Förderung des Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan für die Absolvierung eines Sprachkurses für Mandarin-Chinesisch an der Ming Chuan University in Taipei angeboten. Studierende können sich ab sofort für den Kurs bewerben.

Weitere Infos zum Programm

Baltic Summer University / Lithuanian Language and Culture Course for staff members & students / 6 July – 4 August 2024 at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania | Application deadline: 1 March 2024

From 6 July till 4 August 2024 Lithuanian Language and Culture Summer Course 2024 (8 ECTS) will be organized at Vytautas Magnus University. 4 weeks participants will study one Lithuanian language level, attend sociocultural lectures related to Lithuanian studies, go on several fieldtrips and visit a significant number of cultural attractions.
Applicants can apply for an online course or for a contact course in Kaunas or for a contact course in Vilnius. For foreigners there are 29 funded places meaning that selected participants will take part in an online course and in a contact course free of charge plus those who join the course in Kaunas or Vilnius will receive a scholarship of EUR 825,00 in order to cover travel, accommodation and catering expenses.

Further information

If you are BOKU staff member interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff mobility) please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.


International Summer School / of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters/University of South Bohemia / 1-19 July 2024 in Vodňany, Czech Republic | Application deadline: 31 March 2024

The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (FFPW USB) would like to invite you to the International Summer School which will be held in Vodňany, Czech Republic from  1st – 19th July 2024.
The Summer School lasts three weeks and includes excursions and lectures, but mostly working on small research projects under the guidance of experienced researchers in very well-equipped faculty laboratories. The work in laboratories will be supplemented by excursions to fish farms and visits to other interesting places. Professional, perfectly prepared lectures of leading Czech and foreign researchers represent another part of the Summer School´s program.
Students can sign up until the 31 March 2024.

Further information

UKM International Summer Programs 2024 / Cross-cultural collaborative learning experiences / 29 July-13 September 2024 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Application deadline: 15 April 2024

UKM International Summer Programs are an opportunity to connect with students from around the world, develop key global competencies and experience a diverse range of engaging lectures , interactive workshops, discover diverse cultures through enriching field trips and immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of cross-cultural collaborative learning experiences. Summer programs will run beginning 29 July until 13 September 2024.

Application deadline: Monday, 15 April 2024

List of courses for 2024:

  • Sustainable Tropical Heritage (STH)
  • Indigenous Community of Malaysia (ICM)
  • Global Leadership Program (U-LEAD)
  • Language and Culture Immersion Programme
  • Climate Change Summer School
  • From Mountain to the Reef: Edutourism @ UKM's Living Lab
  • Management and Culture Immersion Programme
  • The Engineering and Sustainability Summer School
  • Intensive Islamic Finance
  • Tropic Nature and Heritage
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Islamic Civilisation : Malaysia Perspectives
  • International Summer School with TESOL Component

Program Overview:

  • These programs encompass the areas of tropical heritage, biodiversity in Malaysia's tropical ecosystem, indigenous communities, leadership, management, Islamic Finance, engineering and sustainability, as well as language and culture immersion.
  • The summer school also includes comprehensive lectures, interactive workshops, educational visits, social gatherings, city tours, excursions to familiarize participants with Malaysia, and many more.
  • These programs are designed for international students and taught entirely in English.

Duration: Ranging between one week to three weeks


  • Offer credits for selected modules
  • Program kit
  • Selected meals, accommodation (shared room) and land arrangements
  • Cultural trips and excursions
  • Airport pick-up
  • Global buddies support
  • Participant will receive a certificate upon program completion

How to apply

  • Individual students can apply directly. The applicant himself/herself fills out the application form at the following website https://forms.summer2024 with their details and the programme they are interested in.
  • If you have a group of students applying for our summer programs, please email us the list of nominated students at the following e-mail-address oir(at) The nominated students would need to complete the application form above.

General requirements:

  • An undergraduate student at a higher education institution outside of Malaysia
  • Must be at least 18 years of age on the first day of the program
  • English Language Requirements: Proficiency in English and the ability to participate in an academic environment. (Language proficiency is self-assessed—TOEFL or IELTS scores not required).

Further information on the summer programme

UKM International Summer Programs 2024 / Cross-cultural collaborative learning experiences / 29 July-13 September 2024 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Application deadline: 15 April 2024

UKM International Summer Programs are an opportunity to connect with students from around the world, develop key global competencies and experience a diverse range of engaging lectures , interactive workshops, discover diverse cultures through enriching field trips and immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of cross-cultural collaborative learning experiences. Summer programs will run beginning 29 July until 13 September 2024.

Application deadline: Monday, 15 April 2024

List of courses for 2024:

  • Sustainable Tropical Heritage (STH)
  • Indigenous Community of Malaysia (ICM)
  • Global Leadership Program (U-LEAD)
  • Language and Culture Immersion Programme
  • Climate Change Summer School
  • From Mountain to the Reef: Edutourism @ UKM's Living Lab
  • Management and Culture Immersion Programme
  • The Engineering and Sustainability Summer School
  • Intensive Islamic Finance
  • Tropic Nature and Heritage
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Islamic Civilisation : Malaysia Perspectives
  • International Summer School with TESOL Component

Program Overview:

  • These programs encompass the areas of tropical heritage, biodiversity in Malaysia's tropical ecosystem, indigenous communities, leadership, management, Islamic Finance, engineering and sustainability, as well as language and culture immersion.
  • The summer school also includes comprehensive lectures, interactive workshops, educational visits, social gatherings, city tours, excursions to familiarize participants with Malaysia, and many more.
  • These programs are designed for international students and taught entirely in English.

Duration: Ranging between one week to three weeks


  • Offer credits for selected modules
  • Program kit
  • Selected meals, accommodation (shared room) and land arrangements
  • Cultural trips and excursions
  • Airport pick-up
  • Global buddies support
  • Participant will receive a certificate upon program completion

How to apply

  • Individual students can apply directly. The applicant himself/herself fills out the application form on the website with their details and the programme they are interested in.
  • If you have a group of students applying for this summer programs, please email the list of nominated students at the following e-mail-address oir(at) The nominated students would need to complete the application form.

General requirements:

  • An undergraduate student at a higher education institution outside of Malaysia
  • Must be at least 18 years of age on the first day of the program
  • English Language Requirements: Proficiency in English and the ability to participate in an academic environment. (Language proficiency is self-assessed—TOEFL or IELTS scores not required).

Further information on the summer programme

International Summer University 2024 / Info sessions on 28 February / 27 June – 20 July 2024 at Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany

Two courses will be offered:

  1. Sustainable and Climate-Friendly Societies: Energy Policy – Management – Engineering
  2. Sustainable Supply Chains

The program takes place from 27 June (arrival day) until 20 July (departure day),with a virtual component taking place in May/June. It consists of an academic course (9 ECTS), a German language course (3 ECTS) and several cultural activities (day trips to Heidelberg and the Rhine River Valley, riding a solar draisine, hiking, trivia night, intercultural training, and many more). As an ISU 2024 highlight, a 4-day academic excursion to Berlin will be offered, including discussions with a member of parliament and several other academic site visits.
The program fee for students from partner universities is 1200 Euro. That includes accommodation (in Darmstadt & Berlin), all scheduled cultural activities, a 9-ECTS academic seminar, a 3-ECTS German course, company visits, a public transportation ticket for Darmstadt & Berlin, health-, accident and liability insurance and seminar materials.
Info sessions to talk about the program are offered on the following date:

For the nomination of students, please use the nomination document and send it back by 1 April 2024 (application deadline for students is 7 April 2024) via e-mail (short-term(at)

International Summer University / Application deadline: 14 July 2024 / 5-30 August 2024 at Universität Lüneburg

The International Summer University at Leuphana offers a language and culture program, which helps you learn German in the minimum time possible. This might also be an option if you cannot spend a whole semester abroad or if you want to improve your German before the start of your exchange semester.

Further information

Ljubljana Summer School / Application deadline: 3 June 2024 / 8-24 July 2024 at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The programme is aimed at Bachelor's and Master's students as well as university graduates and young professionals who want to acquire new knowledge in specific areas. Students can register for one or two courses. If approved by the home institution, Bachelor students in the final year of study can register for Master level courses.

Bachelor courses (ECTS: 6)

  • Business Plan Development/Lean Start-ups
  • Corporate Finance
  • Intercultural Marketing
  • Mastering the Art of Knowledge Management
  • Programming with Python
  • Psychology for Managers
  • Statistical Analysis with R
  • Sustainability Strategies for International Business
  • The Art & Science of Negotiations

Master courses (ECTS: 7)

  • Behavioural Economics & Neuromarketing
  • Content Marketing and Storytelling
  • Data Analytics - Tools for Big Data
  • Digital Business for Sustainable Future
  • Digitalized Supply Chains with Sustainable Sourcing
  • From Customer Experience to Digital Customer Experience
  • Strategic Brand Management: meaning, value and culture
  • Venturing for Social Good

Further information on the programme & registration

Summer University Lingen (SUL) / Lingen Campus, 7-20 July 2024 / Application deadline: 1 May 2024

It is open to undergraduate and graduate students of any degree course (but especially interesting for those studying business or related subjects). During the SUL, German and international students will work on the topic of “International German SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) – Sustainability in Business and Technology”. Lingen Campus is a fantastic place for a summer abroad. Put theory into practice:

  • close cooperation with companies and organizations in the region
  • several company visits
  • teaching and learning is very practice-oriented
  • small study groups
  • modern learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment
  • safe city with very welcoming and open-minded people

Through collaborations with companies in the region of Lingen, students will visit several international operating companies to gain insight into the regional, international and global procedures of companies in Germany, the city of Lingen and its surrounding area. A great way to network with future employers!

In addition, many activities such as a weekend trip to Berlin and trips to neighbouring cities such as Münster, Osnabrück or Bremen enable participants to get to know each other, learn more about the region and Germany. By attending the program, students will improve soft skills such as communication and presentations skill, teamwork with international groups, intercultural skills and critical thinking.

Applications can be submitted until 1 May 2024. The program fee is 1,200 Euro.

More information can be found on this website

Agrobiodiversity Summer School 2024 / Agrobiodiversity and the transition to agroecological food systems / 18-28 August 2024 in Slovenia | Application deadline: 16 February 2024

The ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences’ Agrobiodiversity Summer School offered by the Geography of Food Research Group in collaboration with the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and research institutes in Spain and Hungary, will take place from 18 to 28 August 2024 in Slovenia.
The Summer School is mainly aimed at students enrolled in a Master’s programme related to agricultural science, environment, food technologies and processing, rural development, sustainability assessment or associated topics. Bachelor students are also invited to apply, but will be given second priority.

Further information on the contents, costs, etc. as well as impressions from this year’s Summer School can be found on the website
Applications are now open and can be submitted here until 16 February 2024.

International Summer University (ISU) / Osnabrück Campus, 11 July – 2 August 2024 / Registration deadline: 31 March 2024


Course offer:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability (undergraduate)
  • Marketing: Understanding of Consumers and Markets (undergraduate/graduate)
  • Organisational Culture and Behaviour (undergraduate)
  • Process Improvement (undergraduate)
  • Global Healthcare Management (graduate)
  • Clinical Perspectives in Physiotherapy (undergraduate)
  • Applied AI for Non-Programmers (undergraduate)
  • Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (undergraduate)
  • The Composite Materials (undergraduate/graduate)

Students choose one course, which is then combined with classes on German language, Intercultural Competence, Facts about Germany and Osnabrück as well as city trips, company visits and cultural activities.

Registration: until 31 March 2024. The course fee is 1,950 Euro.
Detailed information can be found on this website

Sommerkollegs / 2-4 Wochen / in Kroatien, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechien & Ungarn

Sommerkollegs sind bilaterale Sprachkurse, in deren Rahmen prüfungs- und forschungsaktive Studierende (mind. 8 ECTS im letzten Semester) österreichischer Universitäten und Fachhochschulen Unterricht in der Sprache des Gastlandes und parallel dazu Studierende des Gastlandes Deutschunterricht erhalten. Der Schwerpunkt der Sprachförderung liegt auf Sprachen der sogenannten CEE-Länder (Central and Eastern European - Länder). Bewerben können sich Studierende aller österreichischen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.

Weitere Infos zu den Sommerkollegs

Antwerp Summer and Winter University / Open for applications / Winter schools in February & new programmes for summer 2024


In February, Antwerp University will host five winter schools covering varying topics such as Diamonds, Leadership in Law, Design, Feminism and Motherhood and Electrocatalysis. For summer 2024, diverse and interdisciplinary programmes on Children's Literature, Vaccinology, Trust and Public Governance and Social City Design are already confirmed.

Discover the programmes

Antwerp Summer & Winter University / Open for applications now! / Target groups: students, researchers and/or professionals

Antwerp Summer and Winter University offers intensive, short-term academic programmes during the summer and winter months within the areas of excellence of the University of Antwerp and its partners.

Summer and winter school topics cover almost all disciplines offered at the University of Antwerp, ranging from health sciences over design sciences to social sciences. Target groups are different for each programme and include students, researchers and/or professionals. All short-term programmes consist of high-quality education (lectures, visits, workshops) and fun & interesting social programmes. Participants can acquire ECTS credits upon successful completion of the programmes. All certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential.

Further information 

Summer Schools of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) / in Poland, Germany, Israel, Denmark, Austria and Czech Republic

Spend a different summer - study ELLSwhere!
It is time to travel again: Join a Summer School of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS)!
Earn academic credits in breathtaking natural environments. Combine theoretical input with practical field work. Get to know other students in your field from all over the world! Enjoy social activities in an open, diverse and new environment.

In 2023 the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) again offers several summer schools:

BOKU supports BOKU participants of summer schools with a travel grant.

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