Glacier Hazard Workshop 2009 Vienna
Glacier Hazard Workshop 2009 Vienna:

International Workshop
Glacier Hazards, Permafrost Hazards and GLOFs in Mountain Areas: Processes, Assessment, Prevention, Mitigation 10 – 13 November 2009, Vienna Presse Release (pdf) 24 Nov. 2009 An initiative by:
- IACS/IPA working group on Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains (GAPHAZ)
- IAG BOKU, Institute of Applied Geology, BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
- Mountain Reaserch Initiative (MRI)
Supported by:
- Global Land Ice Measurements from Space project (GLIMS)
- International Association for the Cryospheric Sciences (IACS)
- International Permafrost Association (IPA)
- International Centre for Geohazards, Norway (ICG)
- IAVCEI/IACS Commission on Vulcano-Ice-Interactions
and others