Poster sessions
Poster sessions:
(1) Climate Change and Slope Stability in High Mountains (J. Clague, S. Evans)
S.K. Allen, S.C. Cox, I.F. Owens Recent bedrock failures occurring from permafrost affected slopes in the Southern Alps of New Zealand M. Avian Assessment of recent slope instabilities in glacial and permafrost environments in the Central Austrian Alps M. Chiarle, M. Geertsema, S. Gruber, G. Mortara Cryosphere conditioning to debris flow development L. Fischer, C. Huggel, A. Kääb, R.S. Purves, J. Nötzli, H. Eisenbeiss, F. Amann, J.R. Moore, W. Haeberli On the influence to topographic, geological and cryospheric factors on slope instabilities in steep periglacial rock walls A. Kaeaeb, T. Strozzi, R. Delaloye, C. Ambrosi Paraglacial rock mass movements in response to glacier retreat. Examples from Aletsch Glacier, Swiss Alps
(2) Hazards related to volcano-ice interactions (H. Delgado Granados)
R. Worni, B. Pulgarin, C. Cardonas, C. Huggel, M. Stoffel, D. Schneider Challenges of modelling recent, very large lahars at Nevado del Huila Volcano, Columbia (pdf) R. Worni, B. Pulgarin, A. Agudelo, M. Stoffel, C. Huggel Glacier – volcano interactions and related hazards during the 2007 eruptive crisis at Nevado del Huila, Columbia (pdf) D. Schneider, J. Caplan-Auerbach, C. Huggel, P. Bartelt Iliamna Volcano (Alaska): a field laboratory for large rock-ice avalanche modelling
(3) Political economy and sociology of glacier disasters (C. Jurt, G. Greenwood)
M. Brook, J- Holland Glacier hazards and tourism at Fox Glacier, South Westland, New Zealand C. Jurt, M. Grote, M. Buchecker, H.-R., Wicker, B.S. Orlove Natural Hazards in their Context: Risks from Inside and Outside in the South Tyrolean Alps
(4) Climate change & glacier lakes: hazards or potential water resource? (J.F. Schneider, M. Stoffel)
D. Binder, W. Schöner, B. Hynek, G. Weyss, J. Abermann, M. Olefs A.P. Olsen Ice Cap: A Glacial Lake Outburst Flood? C. Narama, A. Kääb, M. Duishonakonov, M. Dayrov Glacier lake outburst floods during 2000-2009 in the Tien Shan mountains, Central Asia H. Frey, W. Haeberli, C. Huggel, A. Linsbauer A multi-scale strategy for anticipating future glacier lake formation and associated hazard potentials I. Severskiy, P. Borodavko, G.E. Glazirin, J. Herget Hazard assessment and outburst flood estimation of naturally dammed lakes in Central Asia S.D. Richardson, D.J. Quincey The 2008 glacier outburst floods from Ghulkin Glacier, Karakoram, Pakistan (pdf) Wang Xin et al. Hazard assessment of moraine-dammed lake outburst floods in the Himalayas, China C. Huggel, M. Stoffel, N. Salzmann Scientific basis for climate change adaptation projekts in the Andes and Himalayas: water resource and hazards
(5) Modeling mass movements and floods in high-mountain environments (C. Huggel)
P. Dalban Canassy Flow dynamics of the steep part of Triftgletscher (Switzerland) A. Dussaillant, A. Siviglia, G. Zolezzi, G. Benito, P. Carling, W. Buytaert, C. Meier, F. Espinoza Repeated glacial-lake outburst floods in Patagonia, Chile: Numerical approximations with increasingly complex models (pdf). paper (pdf) S. Gruber A global 30 arc second permafrost model
(6) Ground-based monitoring and detection (A.Tamburini)
M. Citterio, R. Mottram, A. Ahlstrom Preliminary assessment of the surge potential of Arcturus Glacier at the Malmbjerg mining prospect (Stauning Alps, central East Greenland) F. Diotri, R. Roncella, G. Forlani, C. Lucianaz, M. Vagliasindi, D. Brocherel, J.P. Fosson Efficient surveying of hanging glaciers: the serac of the Grandes Jorasses J. Faillettaz, M. Funk, D. Sornette Icequakes as precursors of ice avalanches M. Keuschnig, J.-C. Otto, L. Schrott Application of GPR on rough terrain surfaces for monitoring issues using a simple ropeway system F. Koellner, I. Lecomte, D. Petrakov, S. Chernomorets, M. Shakhmina, S.-E. Hamran, A. Kääb, H. Juliussen Geophysics in glacial-hazard initiation zones: the high mountains of South Russia P. Limpach Rock glacier monitoring with low-cost GPS receivers J. Scheibz, H. Haeusler, D. Leber, A. Kopecny, U. Wetzel Near Surface Geophysical Measurements in the Vicinity of Lake Merzbacher - First results from the 2009 Inylchek Expedition (Kyrgyz Republic) (pdf) D. Leber, A. Kopecny, H. Haeusler, W. Wetzel Ground Check for the Remote Sensing based monitoring of the central Inylchek Glacier System (Kyrgyz Republic) (pdf)
(7) Remote sensing based monitoring (D. Quincey, A. Kaeaeb)
M. Citterio, L. Hauch Kaufmann, C. Sigsgaard, M.P. Tamstorf, A. Ahlstrohm The November 2008 glacial lake outburst flood from A.P. Olsen Cap (Zackenberg River catchment, North East Greenland) V. Kaufmann Detection and measurement of highly active rock glaciers using multi-temporal high-resolution orthophotos of virtual globes, such as Google Maps and Microsoft Virtual Earth/Bing Maps (pdf) K. Khan, A.S. Almas Glacial Lake Outburst Floods a Highland challenge in the Kaghan Valley NW Himalayas, Pakistan: Hazard Appraisal Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques Liu Qiao, Liu Shiyin, Guo Wanqing, Wang Xin Using ASTER imagery and DEMs assessing a proglacial debris-flows event (2005) in Moxi, east slope of Mountain Gongga D.J. Quincey, S.D. Richardson Glacier hazard formation and evaluation in the Northern Areas of Pakistan (pdf) J.F. Schneider, M. Mergili Assessment of remote geohazards in high mountain areas of Tajikistan, with special emphasis on GLOFs and the breach of natural dams A. Wiesmann, T. Strozzi, A. Kaeaeb An ESA DUE INNOVATOR2 project on glacial lake mapping from high-resolution space-born SAR
(8) Prevention and mitigation (J. Hanisch, J. Reynolds)
S. Margreth, M. Funk, M. Vagliasindi, I. Voyat Safety concept for hazards from ice avalanches from the Whymper glacier in the Mont Blanc massif M. Cerny, B. Jansky, Z. Engel, M. Sobr, V. Benes, S. Yerokhin Petrov Lake: Dyamics of glacier and lake development, hazards and measures (pdf) M. Mergili, J.F. Schneider Capacity-building and risk mitigation strategies for remote geohazards in Tajikistan