Venue and maps

Vienna, Austria The workshop will be hosted by BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, which was founded in 1872 and known by its acronym "BOKU" ("Bodenkultur").
The university consists of 15 departments, several service centers and a number of experimental centers in and around Vienna. The departments of BOKU provide teaching and research in land and water management and civil engineering, agricultural sciences, forestry, wood technology, and landscape architecture as well as food sciences and biotechnology.
Our department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards is intended to be a center of competence in the fields of applied geology, geotechnics, natural hazard research in the alpine environment, close to nature and resource oriented construction and structural engineering.
BOKU University:
A-1190 Vienna, Gregor Mendel-Strasse 33, Welcome reception on 10 November at Festsaal, 3rd floor Meetings (Committee members, keynotes, session chairs) on 10 and 13 November at Konferenzraum/Conference room, 3rd floor map of BOKU area (pdf) how to get there (travel)
Hotel Modul:
A-1190 Vienna, Peter Jordan-Strasse 78, Workshop on 11 and 12 November at Seminar rooms location overview: Hotel Modul is located close to BOKU University
Wolff (Viennese Heuriger):
A-1190 Vienna, Rathstrasse 50, Dinner on 11 November overview how to get there (pdf)
Useful Links:
Vienna Tourist Board: Vienna Airport: Vienna: