Veranstaltung in Valencia:
Das interantionle Seminar 'Women in Architecture' fand am 22. Mai 2015 in Valencia statt.
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of the International GDUS Conference, April 2012, Hanover download here The conference proceedings are published by the conference host gender_archland, Leibniz University Hanover.
Further information on the conference here
Invitation of GDUS to participate at the
September 1st - 7th, 2012, Neaples, Italy
The International GDUS Conference 2012 was organized by the Forum for Gender Competence in Architecture Landscape Planning (gender_archland)
April 25th to 28th, 2012 in Hanover.
The GDUS-meeting was integrated in the conference, for details see programme: (English Version PDF, 128KB) (German Version, PDF, 162KB)
According to the keynotes of Prof. Dr. Sabine Hofmeister from Leuphana Universität Lüneburg and Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank from TU Dortmund an important component of the discussions were three parallel workshop sessions which involved gender experts from all over Europe and investigated the themes 'theorizing gender', 'gender planning practices', and 'governance and gender'.
Flyer GDUS conference (768 KB) Information on 'gender_archland'
Main goals
- Intensified knowledge exchange on gender awareness and diversity in sustainable planning from the different countries
- Collecting the different methods, comparing the national context and trying to sett-up a methodology (scale, planning culture, type of intervention etc.)
- Defining roles of the network-partners and defining a publicity and communication strategy
Dates and venue of the workshop
Vienna, 15th- 18th September 2009
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Peter-Jordan-Straße 65 (Simony-House)
1180 Vienna Article on the seminar in zoll+ (German)
Austrian team: Project managment: Assistant Prof. Dr. Doris DAMYANOVIC
Assistants: DI Anna Koll, Angela Weikmann Bakk. techn., Daniel Mank Bakk. techn.
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences
Institute of Landscape Planning
Peter Jordan Straße 65, 1180 Vienna, Austria
E-mail: doris.damyanovic(at)
Phone: +43 1 47654 7255
Mag. Heidrun WANKIEWICZ - consulting engineer and independent researcher
Bergheimerstraße 42, 5020 Salzburg
E-mail: wankiewicz(at)
Phone: +43 699 12 63 92 50
In cooperation: DI Elisabeth Irschik/DI Eva Kail
Co-ordination Office for Planning and Construction Geared to the Requirements of Daily Life and the Specific Needs of Women’ of the City of Vienna
Ebendorferstraße 1, 3. Stock, 1010 Vienna
E-mail: elisabeth.irschik(at); eva.kail(at)
Phone: +43 1 4000 82661
URBAN-NET - Team Prof. Sylvette DENEFLE
François-Rabelais University
3, Rue des Tanneurs 37041 TOURS CEDEX 1
E-mail: sylvette.denefle(at) Assistant Prof. Ir Lidewij C. TUMMERS
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department Urbanism, Chair of spatial planning and strategy,
PO box 50434; NL 2600 GA Delft
E-mail: L.C.Tummers(at) Associate Prof. Dr Christine HUDSON
Umeå University, Department of Political Science
SE-901 87 Umeå Sweden
E-mail: chris.hudson(at) Nicole Roux MCF Sociologie
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Sociales, Atelier de recherche sociologique
20 Rue Duquesne - CS93837
29285 BREST cedex, France
E-mail: Nicole.Roux(at)
- François-Rabelais University, Maison des Sciences de l‘Homme de Tours
- University of Natural Ressources and Applied Life Sciences, Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute of Landscape Planning
- - consulting engineering studio: planning-management-research
- Helsinki University of Technology, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies
- Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Sociales, Atelier de recherche sociologique
- Leibniz University of Hannover, Faculty for Architecture and Landscape Sciences, Institute for History and Theory of Architecture, Department for Planning and Architecture Sociology
- University of Westminster, School of Architecture and the Built Environment
- Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department Urbanism, Chair of spatial planning and strategy
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Departamento de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
- Umeå University, Department of Political Science
- Brest Métropole Océane
- City of Vienna - Co-ordination Office for Planning and Construction Geared to the Requirements of Daily Life and the Specific Needs of Women
- Salzburg - Office for local spatial & community planning
- City of Munich - Department of Urban Planning
- Ljubljana -Urban Planning Institut of the Republic of Slovenia
last up date: september 2nd, 2015 by DI Mandy Marginean