Lehrveranstaltungen BOKU-StartDepartment für AgrarwissenschaftenInstitut für EntwicklungsforschungLehrveranstaltungen Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: https://boku.ac.at/agri/entf/lehrveranstaltungen https://short.boku.ac.at/e6mzge LVA-Nummer Titel ECTS LVA-Nummer TYP ECTS Titel Wintersemester 2024/25 934100 VS Development research and practice (in Eng.) 3 934100 VS 3 Development research and practice (in Eng.) 934300 VS Gender, food systems and natural resources (in Eng.) 6 934300 VS 6 Gender, food systems and natural resources (in Eng.) 934302 VS Project design and sustainable development goals (SDGs) (in Eng.) 3 934302 VS 3 Project design and sustainable development goals (SDGs) (in Eng.) 934307 VS Transformative development (in Eng.) 3 934307 VS 3 Transformative development (in Eng.) 934309 VS Environmental change and climate security (in Eng.) 3 934309 VS 3 Environmental change and climate security (in Eng.) 934310 VS Political ecology of the climate crisis (in Eng.) 6 934310 VS 6 Political ecology of the climate crisis (in Eng.) 934316 VS Negotiating change: simulating an international conference for sustainable development (in Eng.) 6 934316 VS 6 Negotiating change: simulating an international conference for sustainable development (in Eng.) Sommersemester 2025 934003 PJ Gender and governance of natural resources in refugee-host settings (Summer School Uganda) (in Eng.) 6 934003 PJ 6 Gender and governance of natural resources in refugee-host settings (Summer School Uganda) (in Eng.) 934005 VO Campus of Change - Zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft in Zeiten der Klimakrise 3 934005 VO 3 Campus of Change - Zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft in Zeiten der Klimakrise 934301 VS Gender, nutrition and right to food (in Eng.) 6 934301 VS 6 Gender, nutrition and right to food (in Eng.) 934303 VS Scientific communication and impacts (in Eng.) 3 934303 VS 3 Scientific communication and impacts (in Eng.) 934308 VS Climate scholar activism (in Eng.) 6 934308 VS 6 Climate scholar activism (in Eng.) 934311 VS Livelihood system dynamics in rural development (in Eng.) 3 934311 VS 3 Livelihood system dynamics in rural development (in Eng.) 934312 VS Facilitating change for sustainable development (in Eng.) 6 934312 VS 6 Facilitating change for sustainable development (in Eng.) 934317 SE Participatory methods in development research and practice (in Eng.) 3 934317 SE 3 Participatory methods in development research and practice (in Eng.) 934318 SE Systems science for participatory management of dynamic socio-ecosystems (in Eng.) 3 934318 SE 3 Systems science for participatory management of dynamic socio-ecosystems (in Eng.)