On May 16h, 2023 the Data Science Initiative organized a workshop bringing together researchers from BOKU and Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH, https://www.csh.ac.at/).
The goal was to inform the BOKU faculty about the CSH (partner institutions, objectives, research fields, programs, etc) and vice versa.
15:30 Opening
Christian Obinger (BOKU, VR for Research and Innovation)
Stefan Thurner (President and CSH Faculty)
15:40 - 17:00 Ideas for Collaboration
Helmut Haberl and Dominik Wiedenhofer (Institute of Social Ecology) with Stefan Thurner (CSH):
Social Metabolism meets Complexity Science:
Several collaborations between the Institute of Social Ecology and the CSH are currently explored, in particular building upon (emerging) results from the ERC-AdG project MAT_STOCKS matstocks.boku.ac.at -
Matthias Radant (Donau Universität Krems & CSH):
The use of trade data in the analysis of global phosphate flows -
Ulrich Morawetz (Institute of Sustainable Economic Development):
Revealed preference models for valuation of environmental (dis)amenities -
Frank Neffke (CSH):
Cities as coordinating devices for complex know-how - Economic development in and across cities -
Brady Mattsson (Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management):
Conflicts in Wildlife Management - WiseAdapt: Developing & testing an interdiciplinary model of wildlife-based conflicts across a mountain range -
Amelie Desvars-Larrive (VetMed & CSH):
Veterinary epidemiology and One Health approach -
Karolina Taczanowska (Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning):
Tourism Mobility Complexity -
Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier (Institute of Geomatics):
Spring onset in the could - Climate Change -
Raphael Preto-Curiel (CSH): Urban Systems:
Data for African cities – sustainable mobility in cities -
Johannes Stangl (CSH):
Green Stress Testing - How we can use of firm-level production networks to inform the green transition
17:00 - 18:00 Discussion in small groups
Open end with snacks, BOKU beer and wine
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