Achtung: Bitte beachten Sie, dass das nachstehende LV-Angebot nur jene Lehrveranstaltungen abbildet, die im aktuellen Studienjahr vom Vize-Rektorat Lehre genehmigt wurden und vom jeweiligen Department/Institut angeboten werden.
Compulsory modules
Sustainable design and construction
Advanced structural timber products and engineering
Building greening
Building physics
Building technology
Energy and resource-efficient spatial planning and landscape architecture
Building in a life cycle perspective
Law for engineers, innovation management and master seminar
Elective modules
Digital design and automated construction
Finite element methods for life-cycle engineering
Through life management of engineering structures
Bionics – engineering lessons from nature
Building greening advanced
Sustainable materials
Wood and composites
Material testing
Energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings
Advanced building energy systems
Energy generation and distribution
Soil resources in green building engineering
Green geo-environments and -resources
Logistics and processes in wood construction
Advanced BIM and lean construction
Social ecology and sustainable development
Circular economy - scientific perspectives and implementation challenges