Climathon NÖ 2022

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ECN: Lust, was zu unternehmen?

Das ECN (Entrepreneurship Center Network) und die BASE (BOKU Activities for Sustainable Entrepreneurship)

Call: Belmont Forum

y. The goal of this CRA is to provide a science base for achieving sustainability goals. The CRA will

Einladung: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Tag 2014

ße 82, 1190 Wien Information & Programm:

Reminder: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Vine & Wine – registration deadline 17 February

initiate you to the scientific and technological bases which define the framework in which wine professionals

Unternimm doch was!

Das ECN (Entrepreneurship Center Network) und die BASE (BOKU Activities for Sustainable Entrepreneurship)

3rd MoniQA International Symposium

be a valuable opportunity to grow your knowledge base, learn from practical experiences, and exchange

6th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS) and 2nd International Student Seminar on Leadership and Networking (ISSLN) of National Institute of Techn. Japan and Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; 4-12 Oct. 2016

also allow dialogue to continue build the knowledge base and the capacity to inform policy decisions that

Ann Njeri Numi::Institut für Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement (IHG)::Department für Wasser-Atmosphäre-Umwelt (WAU)::BOKU

nitrifiers separately. The biomass was grown in a base reactor under CO2 limiting conditions. Determination [...] culture, microalgae and nitrifiers. It was used as a base-reactor for the cultivation of biomass to be used [...] The maximum NH4+- N removal rates observed in the base reactor was only 1.1 mg/L.h (day 42). The highest

Studieninfotag an der BOKU am Fr, 8. April

Einblicke in innovative Projekte 13:15-14:00 Die BOKU:BASE ist die Anlaufstelle für Innovation und Unterneh­mertum

Konsultationsprozess zu "Horizon 2020"

gegliedert sein wird: - "excellence in the science base" - "tackling societal challenges" - "creating industrial

ÖAW: Earth System Sciences (ESS)

involved. Projects should: - provide a knowledge-base for defining strategies towards sustainable development

Neue Lehrveranstaltung

of contaminants in the environment include acid-base chemistry, redox and complexation reactions in solution


: Fischer et al., “Chromatin mapping identifies BasR, a key regulator of bacteria-triggered production


LA ndscape valorisation: I mproving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape M anagement to [...] the CLAIM project aims to provide the knowledge base to support an effective CAP policy design in the

Kau dich rein!

deklariert sind, sondern nur unter der Bezeichnung "gum base" (Kaumasse) angeschrieben sind. Sicher ist jedoch

Dokumentenlieferdienste::Institut für Landschaftsentwicklung, Erholungs- und Naturschutzplanung (ILEN)::Department für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur (RALI)::BOKU

Dokumente können recherchiert und bestellt werden. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) ist eine der [...] Dokumente im Internet. Betreiber der Suchmaschine BASE ist die Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld. «« zurück

Hochschulschriften::Universitätsbibliothek und Universitätsarchiv (UB)::BOKU

en ab dem Jahr 1999 als Abstracts und Volltext. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) die multidisziplinäre [...] Bielefeld für wissenschaftliche Internet-Quellen. BASE ist Bestandteil des Karlsruhe Virtuellen Katalogs

International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas

in times of transition form the general thematic base of this international conference, held every four

QS Subject Focus Summit – Civil Engineering „Rethinking Civil Engineering's Professional Orientation: Change and Diversity in Career Pathways“, June 8–10, Nanyang Executive Center (NEC), NTU, Singapore

ry thinking and team work. This broad knowledge base and skills-set opens up a range of career options

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