Talks and discussion - 7.12.2021 (online)
Aim of the event
Everyone involved in non-human animal research has the responsibility to minimise the harms the animals they are working with may experience. Funding bodies and journals increasingly request a formal ethics approval to be included when submitting grant proposals or manuscripts. Last year, BOKU established an Ethics Committee, which reviews ethical aspects of project proposals and issues such formal ethics approval statements.
The aim of the talks is to give a general overview of ethical principles in animal research projects as well as to provide an orientation of the different institutions at BOKU, which may be involved in the ethical approval process at different stages of the research. 
The event is jointly organised by the Ethics Platform and the Ethics committee of BOKU.


Prof. Hanno Würbel, Division of Animal Welfare, University of Bern, CH
“The 3Vs and 3Rs principles in ethical review of animal research projects” 

assoc.Prof. Ika Darnhofer, Vice chair BOKU Ethics Committee
“BOKU Ethics Committee: Tasks and processes”

Dr. Christiane Schwarz, BOKU Animal Welfare Body (Tierschutzgremium)
“Animal experimentation at BOKU – Guidelines and examples”

To access all talks please log in!

There will be a follow-up event in the form of a workshop held on April the 29th from 9-12:00 o´clock.