Organic farming in Thailand / University cooperation Thammasat - BOKU
This three-year project focuses on the transfer of knowledge on organic farming between Austria and Thailand. To this end there an intensive exchange of students and staff of both universities took place: 2005: 2 faculty members from Thammasat Univ. spend one month in Austria; 10 students from Thammasat Univ. spend two months in Austria; 1 BOKU-faculty member spends one month at Thammasat Univ.; 1 austrian student collects data for her MSc thesis on consumer perception of organic food in Bangkok. 2006: 8 students from Thammasat Univ. spend two months in Austria; 1 Austrian student collects data for her MSc thesis on organic farms in Thailand 2007: 5 faculty members from Thammasat Univ. spend one week in Austria; 1 faculty member and 12 students spend two months in Austria; 1 faculty member from BOKU spends a month at Thammasat Univ. The Project is carried out within the framework of the university cooperation between Thammsat Univ. and Univ. BOKU, which is coordinated by Dr. Suthichai Somsook and Dr. Ika Darnhofer. The project has received grants from ASEA-UNINET and additional funding through grants from the Thai government, Thammsat University and BOKU University (Center for International Relations). Publications: Roitner-Schobesberger, B., I. Darnhofer, S. Somsook, C.R. Vogl (2008). Consumers' perception of organic foods in Bangkok, Thailand. Food Policy 33(2): 112-121. Stracke-Laßmann, Marina (2007). Strategies by organic producers in Thailand. MSc-thesis supervised by Dr. Ika Darnhofer and Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann. Roitner-Schobesberger, Birgit (2006). Consumer's perception of organic foods in Bangkok, Thailand. MSc-thesis supervised by Dr. Ika Darnhofer and Dr. Christian Vogl.