IUFRO Symposium 2016
Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting

Forests contribute to modern societies through cultural, economic, environmental, institutional and social dimensions. Forest management decisions and practices, therefore, must incorporate information concerning all of these dimensions. In addition, global issues such as changes in society, climate and forest values influence and transform the ways in which forest ecosystems are perceived, managed and used. The role of managerial economics and accounting in forest ecosystems management and policy development in response to these evolving conditions and needs of society were in the focus of the symposium on ‘Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting’ which took place in Vienna, May 9 – 11, 2016. The contributions, stemming from different regions across the globe, provide an insight into recent and upcoming issues in managerial economics and accounting related to forestry. In total 42 researchers from 17 nations took part in the confernce. The symposium was organized according to the tradition of IUFRO-Unit 4.05.00 - Managerial economics and accounting as a joint event of its sub-units: 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting, 4.05.02 - Managerial economics and 4.05.03 - Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America. The proceedings comprises all the papers submitted and accepted for presentation at the conference. All submissions were subject to a two-stage peer-review process on behalf of the program committee. The proceedings are to contribute to theme 3 of the IUFRO-strategy: 'forests and forest products for a greener future'.

Austrian Journal of Forest Science - Special issue
The special issue of the Austrian Journal of Forest Science is now available as a pdf-document for download.
Opening ceremony
Lidija Zadnik-Stirn
Coordinator of IUFRO Group 4.05.00 Managerial Economics and Accounting Opening presentation
Presentations and Proceedings
Download Proceedings
Session 1:
- Japelj: Using a latent class model to segment preferences of residents for a recreational setting: a case of Golovec urban forest in Ljubljana, Slovenia | Japelj, Hodges, Juvancic
- Nakajima: A development of simulation system to estimate forest profitability including labour requirements, wood supply and growth parameters throughout Japan | Nakajima, Kanomata, Matsumoto
- Posavec: Economic analysis of short rotation plantation investment | Posavec, Kajba, Beljan, Borić
Session 2:
- Halaj: Image of the state forest enterprise LESY SR | Halaj, Brodrechtova
- Menhazova: Usage of the Local Multiplier for Decision-making of Management in a Forest Enterprise | Menhazova, Hlavackova, Brezina
- Mertl: Financial analysis of red deer management in Hungary 1983-2013. Is the more the better? | Mertl, Schiberna, Szalai
- Yin: Governing payments for ecosystem services: What can be learned from comparing Chinese and American experiences of restoring degraded cropland? | Yin
- Tzanova: Time Series Analysis in Forest Sector Forecasting | Tzanova
Session 3:
- Bösch: What can physical input-output analysis tell us about the costs of alternative forest management scenarios in Germany? | Bösch, Elsasser, Rock, Weimar, Dieter
- Giertliová: Harmonization of Slovak Republic Accounting System in the Context of IAS 41 | Giertliová, Dobsinska, Sulek
- Penttinen: The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as implemented into the forestry accounting | Penttinen, Sekot
- Sekot: Forest Accounting at the national level: a comparative assessment of issues and approaches at the example of Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sekot, Kovacevic
Poster Session
- Baloh: Ecosystem services – Where to start: Communicating the economic value of ecosystem services today for tomorrow | Baloh, Rantasa
- Kim: Forest Resource Accounting of South Korea using National Forest Inventory Data | Kim, Lee
Session 4:
- Hodges: Assessing Differences in Ownership Objectives, Attitudes, and Management Behavior of Private Forest Owners: The Role of Multi-Generational Ownership | Hodges, Poudyal
- Hodges: Perceptions and Management Intentions of Private Forest Landowners in the Eastern U.S.: Implications for Wood Energy Production | Larson, Hodges, Finley, Luloff, Willcox, Gordon
- Matsushita: Household composition and aging of forest owners in Japan - Analysis of individual data from the 2000 World Census of Agriculture and Forestry | Matsushita, Yoshida, Senda
- Siry: Atlanta’s households’ willingness to increase urban forests to mitigate climate change | Siry, Tran, Izlar, Bowker, Poudyal, Bettinger
Session 5:
- Hoffmann: Comparing the added value of domestic timber - produced and processed in different supply chains in South Tyrol | Hoffmann, Oberegger, Brozzi, Bertoni, Mühlberg, Stauder
- Huber, Toscani: Accounting for non-wood forest products and services in Austria: findings on national and forest holding level | Huber, Toscani, Vacik, Sekot
- Keca: Value Chain Analysis and Socio Economic Aspects of Non-Wood Forest Products in Central Serbia | Keca
- Sisak: Socio-economic Importance of Health-hygienic Forest Services Including Non-wood Forest Products in the Czech Republic | Sisak, Riedl, Dudik
- Weiss: Non-timber innovations - An innovation system analysis for side-activities of forestry | Weiss, Ludvig, Zivojinovic, Huber
Session 6:
- Zadnik-Stirn: Changes in forest sector and its impacts on Slovenia Forest Service - Qualitative analysis of employees’ perceptions | Leban, Zadnik-Stirn, Krc, Pezdevsek-Malovrh, Cernic-Istenic
- Morales Olmos: Economic impact assessment of a forest pest in Uruguay - Main challenges and opportunities | Morales Olmos, Ansuberro, Pintos, Pérez
- Zadnik-Stirn: Tools for Evaluating Sustainable and Multi-objective Forest Management Decisions Exploring and Prioritizing Ecosystem Factors | Zadnik-Stirn, Groselj, Krc, Leban, Pezdevsek-Malovrh
- Melnykovych: Approaches to evaluation of benefits from the conversion of even-aged secondary spruce stands in the Ukrainian Carpathians into mixed, uneven-aged woodlands | Zahvoyska, Pelyukh, Maksymiv, Nijnik M., Nijnik A.
Session 7:
- Maluccio: Voluntary Forest Carbon Credit Market in Italy - an example of Governance | Maluccio, Romano, Cesaro, Marongiu, Chiozzotto
- Marongiu: Forestry measures in the RD programs 2014-2020 and the needs in the monitoring and evaluation process - An overview on EU RD plans and indicators | Marongiu, Cesaro, Chiozzotto, Romano, Maluccio
- Melnykovych: Exploring challenges to sustainability in the provision of ecosystems services by upland forests in Scotland and Ukraine | Nijnik, Melnykovych
- Rößiger: Compensation payments for alternative forest management supporting nature conservation - A case study for Kysuce region, Slovakia, based on single-tree simulator and silvicultural cost model | Rößiger, Kulla, Kovalčík, Sedliak, Barka, Fabrika
Business meeting
Field trip
Forest management within the sphere of a capital city
Provision and evaluation of ecosystem services
Photo gallery
Images of the conference can be found here and can be used free of charge. If you need any assistance according to the photos you can contact Philipp Toscani vie e-mail.