The Core Facility Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis (BMoSA) provides high throughput microbiology screening resources and high-end mass spectrometry for small molecules as well as for polymers.

InfraCore Project: new infrastructure for BOKU Core Facilities
The project "Establishment of a high-performance infrastructure for the analysis of bioactive substances and renewable resources" (InfraCore), a joint initiative of the two BOKU Core Facilities „Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis“ (BMoSA) and „Analysis of Lignocellulosics“ (ALICE) acquired new high-performance infrastructure with funding from the IWB/EFRE program and REACT-EU.

The CF BMoSA is located at the BOKU campus in Tulln at the UFT and the IFA.

Covering a broad field of expertise, the CF BMoSA is separated into a screening and chemical analysis part. The latter is further divided into small molecule and polymer analysis.

Boku Campus Tulln


The screening facility provides hardware and expertise for cooperation projects and contract work. Our robotic liquid handling equipment is especially adapted to perform high throughput searches for bioactive metabolites and enzymes among microorganisms. We further characterize the chemical and biological properties of the found substances.

  • investigate the interaction of microbes with other organisms (bacteria, fungi, algae, plant, animal cells) and to identify the production of bioactive substances (antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, bioeffectors, agroceuticals, etc.).

  • study metabolomes of microbes under a multitude of environmental and nutritional conditions to identify bio-and agro-technological potential.

  • study cells of different origin (microbes, plants, insects) in their mutual stimulatory or inhibitory effects in a high-throughput way.

  • study host-pathogen interactions or identify organic control species.

  • screen for enzymes

  • perform large scale microbiology (BSL2 certified) screening experiments 


Contact: Christoph Schüller

Small molecules

In the small molecule analysis part we are focussing on the field of metabolomics. With the available equipment and methods primary as well as secondary metabolites can be analysed and quantified. Besides targeted analytics we have broad expertise in untargeted metabolomics studies using high resolution mass spectrometry. In recent years and projects we gained a lot of experience in the use of stable isotopes in metabolomics studies and developed various workflows for comprehensive untargeted metabolomics studies.

For analytical services we are equipped with

Additionally we offer to assist in your stable isotope labelling assisted metabolomics experiments including the possibility to grow your own labelled plant material.


Contact: Maria Doppler


With a 20+ years of experience in applied polymer biotechnology, the BMoSA Polymer analysis team has a vast experience in the analysis of synthetic polymers.

The team is covering the whole “plastic cycle” spectrum, focusing in particular on three pillars:

  • polymer synthesis: analysis of synthesized aliphatic and aromatic polyesters;

  • surface functionalization: analysis of chemical changes;

  • depolymerization for recycling: analysis of the oligomers released by enzymatic treatments.

Some of the offered services:

Contact: Marcus Pruckner

Pellis at al. 2016, The closure of the cycle: enzymatic synthesis and functionalization of bio-based polyesters, Trends in biotechnology, 34 (4), 316-328. DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2015.12.009


Adressen & Kontakt

Core Facility Bioactive Molecules Screening & Analysis

IFA, Gebäude 3
Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 20
3430 Tulln an der Donau


Info: Screening at UFT Konrad Lorenz Straße 24, 3430 Tulln Analysis at IFA Konrad Lorenz Straße 20, 3430 Tulln
