The dairy industry in Indonesia experienced a 9.8% annual growth rate from 2010 to 2019 (Priyono et al., 2023). Nevertheless, milk production has only met 20% of the national demand (Sumartono et al., 2023). Therefore, the government has targeted increasing national milk production. However, achieving this goal requires a thorough evaluation of multiple issues. Smallholder dairy farmers, the dairy business's main actors, face many challenges and need technical assistance. Partnerships among stakeholders in the dairy industry are becoming increasingly important in addressing farmers' business performance (Charlebois et al., 2021). Several activities have been initiated to support dairy farmers. An example of a collaborative project involves the development of digital recording tools specifically designed for dairy farmers and cooperatives. Data recording is an important assessment and monitoring tool in dairy farming, as it is important to have effective management control to support long-term business sustainability. Despite farmers' increasing reliance on mobile phones, they may still need to learn how to use new technologies properly. Additionally, recording features should be made in such a way that suits the current needs of farmers. Hence, this study aims to provide valuable insights, concepts, and recommendations that may help to improve the effectiveness of current digital record-keeping technologies available to smallholder dairy farmers in Indonesia.

Data collection will be carried out in East Java, Central Java, and West Java, which are the representative areas of the leading milk-producing provinces in Indonesia. We will use a mixed-methods approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data. The first step of this research will be reviewing papers to identify the development of record-keeping tools for smallholder dairy farmers in developing countries. Direct farm observation, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews will be the next steps in understanding Indonesia's current record-keeping practices and determining the factors that help or hinder those practices. Furthermore, participatory methods will be conducted to validate the research findings and develop recommendations through focus group discussions and workshops with different Indonesian dairy stakeholders, such as dairy farmers themselves, dairy cooperatives, milk-processing companies, the government, and research institutions.


Charlebois, S., Bowdridge, E., Lemieux, J.L., Somogyi, S., Music, J., 2021. Supply management 2.0: A policy assessment and a possible roadmap for the Canadian dairy sector. Foods 10.

Priyono, Nurmalina, R., Burhanuddin, Ilham, N., 2023. An Empirical Evaluation of Policy Options for Increasing Dairy Production in Indonesia: A System Dynamics Approach. JITV 28, 208–2019.

Sumartono, W.A.P., Hidanah, S., Yudaniayanti, I.S., Paramita, W., Arif, M.A. Al, Mustofa, I., 2023. Milk production and business analysis on dairy cattle affected by PMK in “Kampoeng Ternak” Sidoarjo Livestock: A Literature review. SIBATIK JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan 2, 1473–1482.