Guidelines for Oral/Poster Presentation

The oral sessions will take place over 3 different time slots, which will be further divided into 4 parallel sessions. Please find the allocation of your presentation in the e-mail sent on September 4th.
The presentation and discussion will be held via the video/web conferencing platform Zoom.
Oral presenters who have been selected to do an oral presentation will hold a 15-minutes presentation (max.). This is followed by a 5-minute discussion round.
Students selected for the oral presentation are required to prepare
- a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt) and
- a ppt recording of their pitch - including slides and narration by 15.11.2020
For more detailed information and tutorials please carefully read the guidelines:
The poster sessions will take place over 3 different time slots, which will be further divided into 3 parallel sessions. Please find the allocation of your presentation in the e-mail sent on September 4th.
The presentation and discussion will be held via the video/web conferencing platform Zoom.
Poster presenters who have been selected to do a poster presentation will present a 3-minute pitch presentation (max). This is followed by a 5-minute discussion round.
Additionally, the conference platform (online from 10.11.2020) will feature a virtual poster exhibition where the posters will be showcased.
Students selected for the poster presentation are required to prepare
- a poster (with min. resolution 1080 x 1920 px; aspect ratio 9:16 ) by 01.11.2020
- a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt), maximum 3 slides summarising the core content of their poster and
- a ppt recording of their pitch - including slides and narration by 15.11.2020
For more detailed information and tutorials please carefully read the guidelines:
Source: Teaser image: Designed by pch.vector / Freepik