Abstract Submission

To present your work at the ELLS Scientific Student Conference “The World of Tomorrow – A Green and Sustainable Society” you will have to submit an abstract of your project.
The conference is open for students from ELLS universities (Study program level BSc, MSc or first year PhD).
Abstract Submission has closed
Please read this instruction very carefully before you submit.
Title: Maximum 30 words are allowed. Use capital letters only when absolutely necessary.
Subtheme: Please allocate your abstract to a suitable subtheme that can be selected from a list in the submission form.
Justification: Please explain why your abstract fits the chosen sub-theme. Maximum 70 words are allowed.
Keywords: Between 3 and 5 keywords are required, describing your work.
Authors: Enter name and surname of authors, a maximum of 5 authors is allowed. If there is more than one author, please be aware that only one person will be able to present during the conference. Choose who will present and who will attend the ELLS SSC 2020 as an audience member. All names will be published in the book of abstracts. If your work was created in collaboration with a teacher from your university you can write the name of your supervisor under Acknowledgements.
Acknowledgements: Type the name and surname of anyone who might have helped you with your work and abstract (eg. supervisor).
Abstract text: The text must be at least 195 words and cannot exceed 300 words, excluding the title and name(s) of author(s). Tables, graphics, photos etc. are not allowed.
Confirmation of the supervisor: Please upload a confirmation of your supervisor (university teacher) that they support your application (e-mail sufficient).
Presentation preferences: Please indicate your preference in this step. You can choose between "oral preferred" or "poster only". The Scientific Committee will decide upon the final division.
Submission Summary
This system has an email confirmation, which will be sent just after submission of your abstract is done.
Corrections and withdrawal
Changes and withdrawals can be made until the deadline of June 15 (EXTENDED DEADLINE June 30 ) . You may return to the system at any time until the submission deadline of June 15, 2020, 23:59 CET (EXTENDED DEADLINE June 30 ) to view or revise your abstract. If you wish to withdraw, please send an email (see "Support"). Please add "withdrawal" in the subject.
Selection of abstracts
After June 30 a committee at each ELLS university will rate the submitted abstracts from their university. Afterwards all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee, in July and August 2020. Subsequently the best abstracts will be chosen for presentation. Authors will be notified in the beginning of September whether they have been selected. Details of assignment - poster or oral, will follow in due course.
Processing of personal data
Please be aware that BOKU/Vienna Medical Academy proceed your personal data according to the "information on the processing of personal data"
For support during the submission process please get in touch with us.
Technical Assistance: mv(at)medacad.org
General Questions on the ELLS SSC: ellsconference2020(at)boku.ac.at
Source: Teaser image: Designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik