Values in Transition

A review of the Event days. A cooperation of the gW/N, eLearning and Didactics and the Coordination Office for Gender Equality, Diversity and Disability.


E-Learning and Didactics

In cooperation with BOKU E-Learning and Didactics, inclusive formats for gender and diversity competence in teaching practice are developed in the area of Continuing Education for lecturers at BOKU.

EPICUR Strategy for Diversity

In cooperation with EPICUR BOKU is leading the development of the EPICUR Strategy for Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equality.

Kinder BOKU & UniCare

In Kooperation mit KinderBOKU liegen die Schwerpunkte auf der Ausarbeitung von neuen Projekten für Kinder mit erschwertem Bildungszugang zur Wissensvermittlung und zur Sensibilisierung im Bereich Gender und Diversität.

Lifelong Learning / LLL

In cooperation with Lifelong Learning the focus is on the tertiary education sector and disadvantaged groups.

Equal Opportunities Working Party

In cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Working Party preparatory measures are being taken to draft a Code of Conduct with the central objective of an appreciative, inclusive and discrimination-critical university culture.

150 Anniversary of BOKU

As part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of BOKU, the BDS - with its thematic priorities on equality, diversity and disability - is involved in the form of events and audiovisual projects as well as a professional publication.