Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Information Letter
Following the European Comissions provisions , BOKU publishes a synopsis of Gender and Diversity Actions taken, representing the Gender Equality Plan mandatory for e.g. Horizon Europe.

Gender Criteria in Research

Consideration of gender dimensions in research questions and methods as well as in the composition of project teams increases the quality and accuracy of research, innovation and teaching.

Gender criteria have therefore already been implemented in many national and international research programmes. Many research project applications already demand information about gender dimensions and criteria.

In Horizon 2020, gender is included as a cross-cutting issue in all work programmes.

In order to provide quick and easy assistance in filling out project application forms with regard to these gender-specific questions, the former Coordination Office for Gender Equality and Gender Studies developed special text modules for gender-related questions in project applications in cooperation with the "Office for Sustainable Competence".

Please login for downloading Gender text modules.

Gender in STEM Fields
Videos showing the relevance of gender in STEM fields like robotics, engineering and computer science.
Training Sessions for Scientists
GE Academy provides training sessions about gender equality in research, innovation and higher education