Are you currently in a challenging or stressful situation? Then contact our Trusted Advisors!

+ + + + NEW + + +
The new Trusted Advisor graduates (see below after login) strengthen the team! This means: even more support at the locations, across locations, online!

Trusted Advisor - support in psychologically challenging situations

BOKU would like to offer its employees a health-preserving and health-promoting environment. This includes an environment characterized by mutual appreciation and recognition as well as support in (psychologically) challenging situations. To ensure that you receive this support, we are launching the "Trusted Advisors" project together with the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Vetmeduni) (implementation within the framework of service agreement 22-24). This is based on the international program Mental Health First Aid Helpers.

Who are Trusted Advisors?

Trusted Advisors are selected employees (for contacts see below) of BOKU and Vetmeduni and serve their own colleagues as confidential first contacts in psychologically challenging situations at the workplace.

Task of the Trusted Advisors, contact and conversation

The task of the Trusted Advisors is to give you early help with questions about conflicts and psychological stress.

You can choose a Trusted Advisor from the list below and contact him/her via email, phone or in person.

The Trusted Advisors' help consists of empathic listening and acting, as well as naming internal and external university help resources or contacts. This may take up to an hour.

Topics for contact may include:

  • Stress, illness
  • sadness, fear, anger, dissatisfaction, exhaustion
  • Exhaustion, demotivation, work-life balance
  • Conflict, dispute, mobbing
  • Work climate, change processes
  • Questions about support services and much more.

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Location Tulln (IFA, UFT)

Locaton Türkenschanze

Location Muthgasse

in cooperation