Stratocore Pasteur Platform Management System (PPMS) is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and enhance the management of core facilities in research institutions and laboratories. The primary goal of PPMS is to facilitate the efficient utilization and tracking of research resources, ranging from advanced scientific instruments to laboratory spaces.

One of the key features of PPMS is its ability to centralize and automate the reservation and scheduling of equipment. Researchers can easily book time slots for specific instruments, trainings and analytical services, ensuring fair and optimal usage of shared resources. This not only maximizes the efficiency of equipment utilization but also helps in avoiding scheduling conflicts and bottlenecks.

The system also facilitates billing and invoicing processes, enabling core facilities to accurately track and charge for equipment usage. This financial transparency is crucial for the sustainability of shared resource facilities and facilitates effective monitoring and reporting of projects e.g. to funding agencies.

The platform compliy with regulatory standards and data integrity requirements, ensuring that research conducted in these facilities meets the highest quality and safety standards.

Whether you're a BOKU employee, external researcher, or industry partner, you can easily request a user account in PPMS:

  • Go to the PPMS main page
  • Select one Core Facility from the drop-down menu on the top
  • Login or clink on the link 'user account creation request'

Our BOKU Core Facilities staff and Management team are available to assist you with any inquiries or clarifications.