Studying abroad for students with disabilities
Studying abroad for people with disabilities and/or physical, mental or health-related conditions
The Erasmus+ programme and BOKU University aim to promote equal opportunities and accessibility, inclusion and fairness. Students with disabilities and/or physical, mental or health-related conditions are expressly invited to apply. Additional funding can also be applied for. Please contact the Erasmus+ contact person at BOKU-International Relations directly as early as possible for further details.
For students with fewer opportunities, a monthly grant of € 250,- (€100,- for short-term mobilities/BIP) in addition to the regular Erasmus+ grant is possible (top-up), this option will be requested as part of the scholarship contract preparation.
Proof: Disability pass, medical certificate or similar; in the case of health problems, additional proof of the additional costs incurred abroad. Template: Declaration of honor for health problems
Further inclusion support for additional costs incurred during the stay abroad can also be applied for. Details can be found on the OeAD website; this is not a lump sum but real costs. This can include advance visits, an accompanying person, special treatments, medical products, a larger student room with different furnishings or similar. When applying for reimbursement of real costs, it is important that the application is received by the OeAD at least 8 weeks before the start of the mobility.
It is also possible to apply for top-up and real cost support at the same time.
Experience reports and the infrastructure regarding special needs at various European host institutions can be found at the website
For students with disabilities and/or chronic diseases, BOKU provides a service and counselling department: Coordination office for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Disability.
DI Ruth Scheiber-Herzog
Coordination office for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Disability
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Wilhelm Exner Haus, Peter-Jordan-Str. 82/DG, 1190 Vienna
Telephone: 0043- 1/47654-19401