Erasmus+ application periods:

- for the academic year 2025/26: 8 - 28 January 2025

- remaining places for summer semester 2026: 28 April - 12 May 2025

Choosing an Erasmus partner university
In the Online Tool Mobility Online (Please do NOT use Internet Explorer to access Mobility Online - use a different browser instead!) you can enter your study program and the system will show you which partner universities are available for that program. In addition, please consult the website of the partner universities in question to get further information on courses and how they fit in with your BOKU studies.

PLEASE NOTE: Enter the required information directly via the Online Tool Mobility Online at "Vorselektion Austauschmöglichkeiten" and click "Mobilitätsmöglichkeiten im Detail anzeigen", do not switch to the tab "Sofort-bewerbung".

Please find further information on personal data processing according to the General Data Protection Regulation here.

Application documents

To apply via Mobility Online, you need to upload the following documents (mostly pdf):
Program to convert, edit documents,...

1. Letter of Motivation

Maximum one A4 page (for up to three preferences), can be in English or German.
For your letter of motivation you have to fill in this template.

Please answer the following questions in your letter of motivation (see template):

  • Why do you want to study at partner university X?
  • Which programs/courses are offered (exact course list follows later!)?
  • How does it fit into your BOKU studies?
  • Do you fulfil all the requirements for the courses/program?

2. Transcript of Records

  • Transcript of Records from BOKU Online (Abschrift der Studiendaten)
  • Minimum of 20-30 ECTS completed at BOKU
  • Your grade point average must be 2.8 or above

Please print yourself the "Abschrift of Studiendaten" in BOKU Online, including your grade point average. Then upload this pdf to Mobility Online (MO). If you have a transcript of records from another university as well and you think it is relevant for your BOKU studies, please upload this transcript, too. You can upload one pdf for your Bachelor studies and if applicable one for your Master studies.
You need to convert several pdf documents into one pdf. Check this link for a free online program.

3. Language Proof

You need to upload your language proof in MO by the time of your application.

Good language skills (minimum level B2) of one of the languages of instruction are necessary (usually, English; exception: Romance countries). For Romance countries (I, F, E, partly PT!) you need to know the language of the country (eg. BOKU language course level III, minimum level A2/B1 at the time of the Erasmus application; absolutely improve your language level even further before your stay abroad!).
You need to convert several pdf documents into one pdf, check this link for a free online program.

Accepted certificates sorted from most to least points (grade "satisfactory" or better, certificate not older than 5 years):

  • Mother tongue (Proof: Passport/Identity card or Declaration of honor - max. points)
  • Previous full study programme in foreign language
  • Official language diplomas like Cambridge Certificate, TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC (minimum level B2)
  • Language courses or certificates (BOKU-International Relations-Language Course: minimum level IIIBOKU-International Relations-Language Certification; Certificates of other universities or cultural institutes (eg. Instituto CervantesLateinamerika-InstitutInstitut Français Autriche, Institute Dante Alighieri; please always attach the course outline; minimum level B2; Attention courses administered by the Sprachenzentrum University of Vienna will be accepted as certificate but can't be recognised at BOKU as a course!!!).
  • Secondary school leaving certificate/high school diploma, if you have graduated in the language, the end-of-year certificate does not apply (If you have a non-Austrian high-school diploma with a different grading scale, the submission of a grade conversion scale into the Austrian system is required!)
  • Courses in English to the extent of minimum 30 ECTS
  • Admission to English-language study programme at BOKU

Scan the document(s) and save it. You can upload one pdf/language. In case you have several proofs of language for one language, please save them as one pdf document.

Please note that your future host university may require a higher language level/additional proof, please check the respective websites!

4. Passport/application photo

Format: jpg or png, max. size: 500 Kilobyte, recommended size: 273 x 355 pixel (b x h photo points)

To the application (Mobility Online) (Please do NOT open Mobility Online with Internet Explorer; use a different browser!)

Selection process

You will get points for each field of competence (maximum points see brackets):

  • Letter of motivation (max. 20 points)
  • Study progress + grade point average (max. 20 points)
  • Language skills (the better you know a language the more points you get; max. 20 points)
  • Formal issues (Uploads are labelled clearly: document_name, size and resolution, documents not upside down; max. 10 points)

The application documents will be evaluated by the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators and by BOKU-IR. On the basis of the total number of points, BOKU-IR will create a ranking. Approximately 2-3 months after the deadline you can see the results in Mobility Online. At the same time we also inform the partner university about your nomination. It is then your responsibility to apply yourself in time at the partner university. It is rare but possible that the partner university declines your application (eg.  due to insufficient language skills,…). The BOKU-International Relations will support you with this application in case of questions.

There is a second application period in the spring term (May) for the following spring term with the places that are still available after the main application period in January.

Appeal procedure

Appeal process of candidates who did not receive the host university of their choice:
Students can contact their Erasmus+ Outgoing Coordinators within 7 days after the allocation of their host university with an appeal if they believe that their application has not been evaluated appropriately.

In this case, the candidate must send an email to erasmus(at) with detailed reasons. The Erasmus+ Outgoing Coordinators will deal with this appeal as soon as possible and replicate it with an individual evaluation and – if applicable – alternative solutions.

It should be noted that for some host universities there is more demand than available exchange spots, therefore it is important to indicate up to three possible preferred host universities in the application.

BOKU-International Relations can only deal with complaints concerning its own procedure. If the host university rejects students for various reasons (e.g. failure to meet their application deadlines), this is not BOKU-IR's responsibility.


Cancellation Fee: 50 Euro
If you decide to cancel your application after submission of your documents, we will ask you for an administrative fee of 50 Euros. Exceptions: severe illness (including medical certificate), severe illness or death of a close relative. Cancellations due to COVID-19 will be assessed individually depending on the current situation.

*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.