Studying abroad with a child
Studying abroad with a child

There are other funding opportunities for parents who are studying, so that students with child(ren) can also benefit from a stay abroad! Please contact the Erasmus+ contact person at BOKU-International Relations as early as possible for further details.
For students with child(ren), a monthly grant of € 250,- is provided in addition to the regular Erasmus+ grant (top-up), this option is requested as part of the scholarship contract preparation.
Further inclusion support for students with child(ren) in the event of additional costs incurred during the stay abroad can also be applied for. Details can be found on the OeAD website; this is not a lump sum but real costs. It would be possible to claim increased childcare costs, a larger student flat or similar. When applying for reimbursement of real costs, it is important that the application is received by the OeAD at least 8 weeks before the start of the mobility.
It is also possible to receive top-up and real cost support at the same time.
The Student Union (ÖH) is also available to answer questions about studying with children:
ÖH Department for Social Affairs
TÜWI building, 2nd floor, room 02/12
Peter Jordan Straße 76
1190 Vienna