To be eligible for applying for an Erasmus+ grant, you need to have full admission status at BOKU and need to fulfil the following criteria:
- At the time of the Erasmus+ stay abroad, students must have completed at least the first year of an undergraduate programme.
- In addition you need to have completed a minimum of 20-30 ECTS of BOKU courses (from the same study programme or a BOKU Bachelor).
- GPA not more than 2.8
Students are entitled to Erasmus+ funding for a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (bachelor, master, PhD). These 12 months can be used for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant and/or for an Erasmus+ study grant. If you have already received an Erasmus grant in the past, the duration of that earlier grant counts towards the 12 months and has to be deducted from the 12 months.
Please, read the info sheet before you start your Erasmus+ stay.
Before you leave for your partner university you will have to choose your courses at the partner university and make sure that the credits earned abroad will transfer back to BOKU. The EU recommends that students take courses worth 25-30 ECTS per semester. For Erasmus+ you have to complete at least 3 ECTS credits per month of stay. These ECTS credits also have to be transferred to BOKU. The minimum stay is two months.
To apply for an Erasmus+ place at one of BOKU's partner universities, you also need a language certificate to prove your language skills, see "How to apply".
The BOKU Language Policy Plan and its SECONDOS project explicitly support students with a migration background to get to know their other mother tongues/cultural backgrounds better!
If you plan to do research for your Master or PhD thesis abroad, it is sufficient to have a proof of progress from your supervisor (rather than take courses abroad). In this case, however, it might be easier for you to apply for an Erasmus+ Traineeship (higher funding).
Residence: Students must carry out their physical mobility activity in a Programme or Partner Country different from the country of the sending organisation and the country where the student has his/her accommodation during his/her studies. Mobilities to the home town are not eligible for funding. Mobilities to the home country are not prioritized.
To get an Erasmus+ scholarship age, nationality, duration of study, … do not matter.
There is also no limit as to how much you are allowed to earn (if you also work during your Erasmus+ semester abroad). Also, you may apply for additional scholarships as long as they are not funded by the EU.
Please, be aware, that there is no legal claim to the scholarship. The award is dependent on budget availability!
International Master students may contact their administrative coordinators at the BOKU-International Relations office for further information.
*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.